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Happy New Year To One And All ! [I Wish You A Happy New Year]

Hi Everyone!

I guess it might have seen that I have fallen off the edge of a cliff what with me being on here, or should I state the lack of me being on here!

Well, I am alive and well...and likewise my family.

This whole year has been a struggle for so many people, in so many different ways - for some it's been economically with losing their jobs, with some it's been a more mental health thing, or indeed their physical health. I don't think anyone has come out of this last year unscathed.

Myself? I have struggled with my mental health a little...been a little afraid...a little irrational at times. But I have come through it.

For all the bad there has been good too; I have to say that as a working mum, with 4 children of varying ages, sometimes the 'enthusiasm' over Christmas and new year has waned at times. Sometimes it's fair to say that I have had to 'dial it in', with being unwell or just tired...

But this year it's been all about making that extra effort and I must say that we all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year celebration....because we made it that way!

So...on behalf of my hubby and my daughters and I..

Here's wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!

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SammyJo · 51-55, F
Happy new year to you too, baby girl!

It was quite a good one, wasn't it? Hope enjoyed the games.

Glad you had a lovely time too...not quite the same as spending time together in the 'real world', but all the same, we made it fun.

Love to Mark and the girls,

SJD xx
MartikaDuponte1 · 36-40, F
@SammyJo Thanks mum....

M x
Noreaster · F
Happy New Year!
AdaXI · T
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
Well done, Welcome Back and a Happy New Year:)
Sarahxxx · 16-17, F
Happy New year from me and from my mom. Martika I hope coming times we could celebrate together. Love you
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Happy New Year!!!
wheels1972 · M
Happy New Year

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