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I Hate Christmas

I would like everyone to think about the homeless, the people who have lost their kids and the people who are spending this time of year alone... X - mas is very much about overindulgence - of food, prezzies, money, alcohol ect...Some people can't afford the luxury...Just spend a moment to think about those who don't have what you have...And be grateful you have amazing friends and family, people who phone and text you, that you have an address for a card to be sent too...Lucky that your indoors in the warm, you have options, a job, opportunities...Think of all the food that goes to waste around x - mas, think of how upsetting it is, seeing all the parents with kids, for someone who have lost theirs...Know you are lucky and Smile :) x
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adshaw · 36-40, M
Not all of that is applicable to me but I am indeed thoughtful of those who are hurting around this time of year especially.
That's good...I normally get caught up in all the hype to be honest...

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