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Do you always wonder ?

I've just spent four great days with my children and grandchildren.
Lots of chat. Lots of laughter. Endless food. Occasionally tears. Lots of fun !
You always question yourself as a parent.
Did you do it right ? Have you given them problems or troubles they shouldn't have ? Did your decision making as they were growing up mean they lack something now, as adults or parents themselves ?
And a hundred other things !
But I can honestly say, I'm so proud of all three of them !
Yes, they are having a tough time of making life work !
Hands up who isn't ?
But they're fighting !
They each have strong partners. Which I confess, has often made me wonder if sometimes they were more 'henpecked' than living life the way they'd want to.
But truth is they seem to have chosen their other halves quite wisely !
They're strong ! Calming influences !
I have three wonderful grandchildren. All of whom are about to experience the best Christmas ever !
Their personalities are so evident, even at such a young age, it's quite funny to spend any length of time with them !
I now know that much of what grandad says or does is 'really silly !"
Got told so by the youngest on numerous occasions !!
Breakfast time:
"Would you like milk or gravy on your cocoa pops ?"
*Cue: long stare at the daft fool asking the question !.........Pause to consider the implications of gravy on cocoa pops !......"Mum ! Grandad's being silly again !!!" Cue; lots of laughter !!
It's been really good fun !
And now as I pack my case for the arduous journey home and all the trials and strife that awaits (Ive already had three voicemail messages from work asking me to contact somebody urgently !) I feel so much better having seen them all.
One day maybe this life thing might work to our advantage. Maybe that way we might be able to spend Christmas together !
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Angelly · F
I'm very proud to pat my husband & myself on the back for a job well done. We raised 2 kind-hearted,responsible, conscientious, hard working individuals. Fortunately, all our hard work has come to fruition 😉
Keep up the good work!
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Sounds to me like you did an awesome job ☺
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
Thank you.
I question a lot of the decisions I've made in my life.
Particularly with regard to bringing children into this cold harsh world. And all the stupidity with their mother over the years !
But I'm starting to think maybe I didn't do as much harm as I thought !

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