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Adjusting my reading approach

1. I want to breeze through the pricey commentaries more rapidly, so i will try to get through all the Genesis ones before winter is over, or even more ambitious aim to cover all of the Pentateuch for 2024, along with Henry, Poole, J,F&B, Calvin and Gill. There's still a few more on Genesis to get, might get them next Monday. For the pricey ones there is about 8 per biblical book.

2. Cutting back on secular readings, the purpose for me for a good classic writer is for the pure pleasure of a different kind of literature, that is meant to be pleasurable. Only 2 authors to be focused on per year, making the whole plan more easy to realize, for 2024 i believe i want to focus on the 2 D's -- Dickens and Dostoevsky.

3. Percentages for each grouping:

Commentaries -- 60%
other Christian resources -- 30%
the 2 D's -- 10%

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