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Views - So they are different. But they are real.

I rarely agree with what other people think is right.

Attacking someone and quickly believing in what's on the news when I know I'm not really seeing the whole picture by just having the internet as the only source... I try not to do it.

As for the matter of people changing genders, I don't support it. I don't encourage it. But if you expect me to throw rocks at them for making those choices as if I am a better person, I won't.

It isn't my place to judge.
I don't know their situation.
I don't know their struggles.
I can't support something that I don't believe in.
So I won't.
I have my own beliefs. I have my own standards that I live by.
Society easily judges, easily throws rocks at others. But then the same people who throw rocks hate it when the rocks are thrown in their direction.
I have my own views. I also admit I have a lot to learn.
If I see something wrong that's hurting people and my loved ones, then I try to stop it when I can.
But what I'm saying is, I'm trying to be comfortable expressing myself and standing for the things I believe in. I know other people are trying to do the same.
Expressing ourselves don't have to mean degrading other people. We don't always succeed but it could be a thing to try to put the effort. We can try to change each other's views. Some can succeed. Some can't.
But we can try.
I don't want to be just a mere follower of the crowd. If I have to take a road alone, create my own path, I'm on it.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
I think you have a much better attitude about it than most. I think generally speaking people want a civil society. It’s cognitive dissonance though because someone can’t, for example, vote for pro life laws that would negatively effect a people while also expecting their ‘pro-life beliefs’ to be treated as a personal freedom that others have no right to take qualms with. In your case it could be as simple as the proposition of a law to allow persons to update the gender of their license. If you vote no then your personal belief isn’t just about you anymore. It becomes influential. (I’m not putting you on the spot to tell me how you’d vote on such a thing. Just trying to come up with a somewhat relevant example)

As uncomfortable as it is, none of us can escape that our beliefs influence our behavior and actions (particularly voting) impacts other people.
Lilnonames · F
Same as on here one person starts a terrible rumor and within days it becomes s w facts. While no one ever asks the person who the rumor is about

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