It's weird how people think
I had someone seriously sit down and apologize to me for not going on fancy dates like I'm used to. They assumed that I'm used to eating lobster and sipping champagne on the reg.
Me- Umm my life has never been like that
Them- Well I don't know you did live in England.
I often don't talk about it to people in my real life and if I do it's vague af. One day I'll work out my trauma about that whole situation in therapy. It's interesting though how people always pick that one horrible time in my life and romantize it the most.
Me- Umm my life has never been like that
Them- Well I don't know you did live in England.
I often don't talk about it to people in my real life and if I do it's vague af. One day I'll work out my trauma about that whole situation in therapy. It's interesting though how people always pick that one horrible time in my life and romantize it the most.