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Do guns kill people or is it people using guns to kill people?

What if there were no guns at all?

Do you think mentally ill people would go round hitting people with big rocks in the head? Or killing maybe with a bow and arrow?

Guns are an easier method to killing efficiently. Big time. That’sa fact.

Realistically though we all know deep down it’s people killing people.

There’s a million reasons why people kill people. Some key reasons in my mind are how they were raised. How they were taught to deal with stresses in life and how to process emotions.

Shitty parents or life experience’s make damaged people. Damaged people turn around and damage others.

Thoughts? Feelings? Emotions?
deadgerbil · 26-30
People kill people and guns make it that much easier. The UK has strict gun laws and have ridiculously low gun issue rates compared to the US, but they have a lot of stabbing incidents.

I'd rather society deal with a lunatic with a knife than a lunatic with whatever high powered gun they can get their hands on
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@deadgerbil America has an underground market and two borders that the Uk also does not or ever will have, too.
@Zonuss This.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Zonuss Guns overwhelmingly flow from the US to Mexico, rather than the other way around, and Canada's gun laws are strict as Hell.
BlueVeins · 22-25
It's probably a good idea to have some restrictions on guns in order to make it harder for people to kill each other in cold blood. It's probably bad though, to build ourselves a society where the only reason why people don't go around murdering each other is because we don't have guns. There are a myriad of reasons why this shit happens and you definitely touched on some of 'em. I think car culture is honestly part of the issue; the automobile and its infrastructure physically separates members of communities from one another. When we spend all this time in a metal box, honkin' at each other, dodgin' potholes, flippin' each other off for shitty driving, that makes us feel separated from each other, and it stresses us the hell out. Maybe people wouldn't be so keen on killing each other if we actually walked around the city most of the time and saw people face to face, just doin' normal things.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
People are going to find a way to kill people if that’s what they have in mind to do. I believe claiming mental illness or how you were raise can sometimes be a cop out. People want to a reason to explain someone’s behavior when the truth of the matter is that some people are just evil and don’t care about the value of human life.
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
I just use… I mean they would use a sword
All true, but Cain killed Abel without a gun and solving man's inhumanity towards man is a lot harder than limiting its negative effects.

I'd love it if we could all drink coke on the mountaintop, but short of that, I'd still rather not make it easier for folks to wipe everyone on the mountain out.
Mental health issues plays a big part in this ...also lack of common sense gun control ....i mean ...this isn't rocket science people
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User There is no issue of mental health here because you might as well say that everyone who kills is mentally illed. Being mentally illed doesnt mean you are a killer. Being a killer does not make you mentally illed.
@Zonuss I get where you're coming from, but really, what is a mental health issue sides from being a deviation from the norm in terms of thoughts and behavior?
@Zonuss 🤦‍♀️
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
“If there were no guns at all”

Then law enforcement wouldnt need guns right.

Then security wouldnt need guns. Nor would customs officials.

Even the military wouldnt need guns!

Great idea
Nanori · F
They'd poison the drinks
Nanori · F
@Sharky86 or choke u 🙂
Sharky86 · 36-40, M
@Nanori With a dick.
Nanori · F
@Sharky86 mine to be specific 🙂
yeah people kill people, but we dont need to make it easier for them to arm themselves to do just that .. be it guns or blades ..
making it easy to access guns and then arguing that it should remain that way despite the numerous times it's proven to be hazardous, is a failed logic
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User @SW-User Thank you BadApples. Its funny that some people here still even in the year 2022 are being naive enough to say that if a person carries out a mass shooting, then oh. They were mentally illed. No, that is not the truth. People kill. Some will kill you out of envy or hate. I think you get what I am saying here. Thank you.
Nanori · F
Or use acid
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
The parents of these people did not teach respect and consequences. No gun climbed out of a cabinet and committed murder.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
@Quimliqer It isn’t alway the parent to blame. Not everyone owns a cabinet. The person who has killed is the only one to blame.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@Quimliqer Its not always the parent. Some people are inspired by others. Some are lost sheep. Some go astray and go down a very dark path. That's just the way that life is.
Sharky86 · 36-40, M
Pulling a trigger from distance is way easier than assaulting someone with your own body and a meelee weapon like a knife.
Magenta · F
You are mostly spot on, imo.
Actually I don't have a solid take as to the deeper reasons, but...
I think sitting in front of a screen all damn day and half the night, staring into it, playing games, engaging in who knows what, without movement, fresh air, exercise, grounding of self in the real tangible world, and too much idle time, is greatly contributing to "mental illness". <<<For use of a better word. And there's no way for the collective to fix that.

Plus I believe humans and the condition of the world will "wax worse and worse". So we should probably brace up.
Magenta · F
[image/video deleted]

Although I do NOT believe citizens should have assault rifles.
There's no need for them.
HarryHawk · 61-69, M
@V00doo that's what it boils down to, nothing else needs to be said.
I’m too tired to go in depth with this topic of conversation, in short it’s a health and safety concern when it goes from drama to dangerous.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
And again some are evil. This truth is gonna hit many of you hard as time goes on. You will see.
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