Sazzio at age 64 my football days are over. Even a game of tag between parents at a scout picnic back in out 40s resulted in someone fracturing a collar bone. There are lots of things one can do alone but most of them result in mountains of junk to discard like my aunt's 200 oil paintings or Kristin's step father's wood working peojects and thousands of dollars of tools.
Even cooking is hard because you need someone around to eat the stuff and the ingredients can go bad. I imagine the derby girls on here get a lot of older guys that just want someone to talk to.
Not a dancer, All I can play is the radio. Learning a new language is hard when the memory is old. Church ladies have the church kitchen under their command. Planning on taking a trip in April...alone.
Son is busy trying to find a new job. Finally got Jessica out of here and back into treatment. House is clean. New window for door on order. No way to really open the old one and clean it. Easier to fill it with a fluid! When it warms up i'll repaint the house and garden. Then go up north and fish and deal with that place.