Th1nkF1rst · 70-79, M
You need to Move!
Anyplace where it's snowing already isn't made for human habitation!
Move down to the Gulf Coast where you can sunbathe, swim and go barefoot till November and it snows 1" maybe once a decade.
Anyplace where it's snowing already isn't made for human habitation!
Move down to the Gulf Coast where you can sunbathe, swim and go barefoot till November and it snows 1" maybe once a decade.

what kind of car do you have. i like classics.
lovebcups · 61-69, M
I love the classics also but i drive a newer challenger srt8
Jakey75 · 61-69, M
Snow? Where abouts are you?
lovebcups · 61-69, M
western Canada , we have about a 3 mounth window to injoy the summer.

Tell my about that toy of yours.
lovebcups · 61-69, M
2010 srt8 challenger for a toy:) she only has about 12,000 KMS on it.

Oh my god... I'm so jealous. My dream car is a old Challenger from around the 60's though. The newer ones are awesome too though.
UncleJlovesbrazil · 61-69, M
Did you restore it yourself?
I dream of owning one but don't know the first thing about restoration or Working on them.
I don't even know where to find one.
I dream of owning one but don't know the first thing about restoration or Working on them.
I don't even know where to find one.