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Which dog breed you find the most beautiful?

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JustJosh · M
Ruby Cavarlier King Charles Spaniel
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
@JustJosh I have a Tri-color Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

I also used to have a Blenheim (but she passed away)

I also have a beautiful mutt.
JustJosh · M
@DragonFruit Oh that's awesome and sorry to hear that. They're such a loyal breed! I currently have a Ruby and a Blenheim, would like to get a Tri Colour at some point in the future!
This was my Chowsky. He has since passed away but I always thought he was handsome. He's smiling for the camera😊
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@JaneSerenity Such a cute fluffy teddy bear. Perfect she's putting on insulation.
JaneSerenity · 26-30, F
@SW-User Haha yes ...but if she will continue she will turn into tricoloured mamooth ...😂
@JaneSerenity Too funny. A fluffy Snuffleupagus. Lol.
My Heidi is the prettiest girl.
rokrchik1211 · 31-35, F
Golden retriever
Shaman · 26-30
@rokrchik1211 Best answer 👆🏻👌🏻
SamHarris · 31-35, M

Australian Cattle Dog. They're such good dogs. And this one is mine. She is 13 and still gets around very well. She is something, isn't she?
My old dog, I still miss him.
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
My two favorite breeds have always been Great Dane and Chocolate Lab and now we have a mix between the two who I love:
My favorite is all of them.
Makinmd · M
My father had a Husky-Malamute mix that looked something like this. He was beautiful and really sweet to us kids.

If I lived in a house with a yard, I might have a Bichon Frise. They're cute, incredibly intelligent and hypo-allergenic, surprisingly.
Labrador or alsation
Zer0Point · 36-40, F
Siberian corg
mlckeymouse123 · 18-21, M
erosme · 46-50, M

Me with my beautiful Zia
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RoxClymer · 41-45, M
English Bulldog

caccoon · 36-40
Niburu · 56-60, M

pug mix
This girl
Australian cattle dog
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JaneSerenity · 26-30, F
@SW-User How adorable ^^
@JaneSerenity thank you!
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I like screwed up old dogs :)

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