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zvox77 · 46-50, M
I'm kewl with it

Yes because what better place to feed a small infant than a germ filled bathroom.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
She should have replied "why don`t you go eat in the bathroom"
As long as she's covered a bit.. I always did.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
👍 😉
SweetMae · 70-79, F
It depends on how she was feeding the baby. I am tired of seeing sleeping babies and a bare breast with milk dripping out of it when I am trying to eat. When baby is done - cover up!
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JimminyChristmas · 56-60, M
It's her right to do so, and not be accosted.
I dont ahve a problem with it
gregloa · 61-69, M
I believe a mother has a right to feed her baby but she should cover up. People don't want their small child especially son or teenage son to see exposed boobs at a public eatery. You gotta give respect if you expect to get it.
Oh finally someone who has common sense when it comes to this subject. Probably one of the best answers I've heard from anyone on the internet. Seriously. 👏
It doesn't seem likely that young children and boys could ever think (be taught) that a woman nursing a child is natural and acceptable. (sarcasm)
MommaBear · 22-25, F
ill feed my baby whenever/ wherever if they are hungry i dont care. dont want to see it? look away
Baby has to eat!! I've no issue with public breastfeeding.
I don't have a problem with it ,since that's what breasts are for
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
@crunchyvirgo: some people are such uptight idiots...That lady needs to mind her own damn bussiness pfffft
I'm a father of three. And believe me your baby won't die if you don't pop a titty out immediately and feed them the second they make hungry noises..
It's a statement...
Omarion21 · M
It's normal here. People are also more understanding here
Isthiswrong90 · 31-35, F
I hope she politely laughed in her face and continued feeding her baby.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
No she left! :(
Isthiswrong90 · 31-35, F
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
OK with me.
I'm sure you are.. exactly why I covered up. 😂
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
@PinkRainbowBliss: There are boobs, and then there are boobs!
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
@PinkRainbowBliss: Pink, you see right through me...
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
i am about health codes... time and place... one can improvise.

keep it sanitary.

i know the kid will appreciate it. (to say the least... even my wife was like "no, not out there with the filth.... keep it safe)

just as bad as people who want pets in restaurants.

preparation is consideration. no, i know how hard it is.

that's why i want it safe, compact and prepared accordingly.
Yes, I'm fine with it. I once saw a similar situation where a stranger asked a nursing mother at a restaurant, couldn't she feed the baby in the restroom ? The mother asked him politely if he planned to eat his meal in the restroom ? Everyone applauded. She was holding a blanket discreetly, so no one was "seeing" anything. The patron had nothing to reply and sat back down.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
This is what I would have liked to have happened, but the woman left instead
@crunchyvirgo: Ah. That's too bad. 🙁
SweetMae · 70-79, F
@crunchyvirgo: That is too bad. No one should have made her feel bad about feeding her baby.
I'm okay with it.
Marcette88 · 36-40, F
Does not bother me.
Fangirlsarah1996 · 26-30, F
It's not like she's flashing her boobs around acting all weird about it, it's just a normal organic process all humans, nay all mammals go through at one point in their lives, lactation and feeding ones young is as natural as breathing.
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I don't have a problem, it is an expression of bonding with a child which I think is a beautiful thing :)
Yes. I think there is really something wrong with someone that objects to it, especially another woman, and says something to the mother.
It's even worse when women are the ones who can't stand it.
It's not the Mother that is doing anything wrong, what is wrong, is what is in the mind of the person who sees her and says something to her. If she didn't nurse her baby when the baby needed it would she be charged with child abuse ?
And if someone said "stop that damn baby from crying" ? We see nearly naked women everywhere today, see thru dresses, advertisements, actors, cheerleaders, Etc. (not that they want to be seen as sex objects of course)and we see them as Beautiful women. (And I think they are.) I haven't heard ANY complaints about that on here or anywhere. But when a mother nurses her child it's a point of controversy ?
@softspokenman: I think you totally missed my point. Had nothing to do with what you just said.. or even with someone telling her not to feed her baby or whatever. Nevermind.
(In my soft spoken voice) I didn't miss your point at all I understand it. The simple point that I am trying to make is that it is a natural, normal thing for a mother to breast feed her child even in public. (Discussing not arguing)
NotYetTooOld · 61-69, M
Any one who does is rather contra survival I would say.
I am okay with it, I am more embarrassed for her though.
jademarley · 26-30, F
this shouldn't be a problem because women should not be in public
JimminyChristmas · 56-60, M
LOL! Stirring up trouble?
Goralski · 56-60, M
Mmmmmmmm milkshake
MommaBear · 22-25, F
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Flenflyys · 31-35, F
I uppercut her right in the box
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Flen remind me not to piss you off.
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
I'm ok if it's me she's feeding 😊
MommaBear · 22-25, F
🙄 you disgust me
@MommaBear: enough with the compliments 🤣😋
I appreciate when women attempt even the smallest discretion but I am fine with full boob feeding.

I'm typically the idiot who's not paying attention then makes a huge "whoa" sound when I notice.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
Off topic but I'm pretty sure you were my 1000th viewer 🤔
I don't usually pay any attention to the younger folk but you must be commenting on friends.

I am sure you hit 1000 much faster than I did. Have fun out there!
I'm ok with it conceptually. It's still weird to see a woman getting her titty sucked in public.
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Umm yeah exactly why women should cover up.
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lever2000 · 46-50, M
What a total cunt.
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