hunkalove · 61-69, M
Have you tried exercise, yoga, and meditation? Drugs are very rarely the answer to anything.

I agree, I took Zoloft for 3 years and it made me aware enough to construct a very detailed suicide plan, something I never did off the medication.
PlayaCat22 · M
i stopped the regular ones
i am thinking of switching to Ayurvedic ones, they have no side effects
i am thinking of switching to Ayurvedic ones, they have no side effects

I wish you the best.
theMeggyD · 22-25, F
*big hugs*
FroRo · 26-30, F
Aperson · M
Did you talk to the doctors about these starting and stopping of medication?
FroRo · 26-30, F
Not really idc
Aperson · M
That is the problem. These meds are supposed to be used by following a schedule which is prescribed by a doctor. If you start, you are not supposed to quit before ending the course. These meds have side effects and the affecting power depends on the doctor's advice, because he/she knows how to use those meds. I tried these pills, so I know.
funfan · 51-55, M
How are you doing a few weeks later?
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
sounds like they're not working...
Hamody · 31-35, M
Why are you depressed ?
FroRo · 26-30, F
Chemical imbalance
WattdeFalk · 70-79, M
@FrozenRobot: "Chemical imbalance" say the chemical salesmen and the therapists whose palms are greased by those pill-pushers. You are obviously not a frozen robot, you're a human being and deserve to be treated better. Can you tell me what's your reward for using ugly labels like that?
Please visit my profile page, hoping you might find some helpful info there.
I'm not a therapist, and not an advocate for any groupthink or religion, and I have no intention of getting you to go off your meds. But I want to encourage you to think about my suggestions, based on my success at overcoming suicidal depression and toxically heavy drinking with regular, simple, non-religious meditation.
Please visit my profile page, hoping you might find some helpful info there.
I'm not a therapist, and not an advocate for any groupthink or religion, and I have no intention of getting you to go off your meds. But I want to encourage you to think about my suggestions, based on my success at overcoming suicidal depression and toxically heavy drinking with regular, simple, non-religious meditation.