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Question for anyone that’s had covid

Did you have any leg pain with it especially in the thigh area. Heavy ness, swollen feeling etc?
No but my Graddaughter is complaing of this at the moment. She has had it for three weeks now.
xmedleft · 51-55, M
yes. This occurs to me every 3-5 days since November, when I had COVID and last for 24-48 hours. Starts in my thighs, then spreads to my lower back. As I sit up and try to get comfortable it stresses my back and so even when it fades I spend the next day in back pain from the shifting and sitting wrong.
xmedleft · 51-55, M
@xmedleft My update:
I had LOng COVID pains on and off 2-5 days a week for a whole year. I had my booster shot earlier in November and had the same kind of reaction to the shot: fevers chills, pain -- for about 40 hours. Since then I have not had a cycle of pain. I did have a 2 day thing that felt like the cycle with none of the pain, just a tiredness in the usual limbs. Now I have a thing happening in the muscles of my left arm, but I really don't attribute that to COVID or the shots yet; I think I slept on it wrong.

I think I've turned the corner.
xmedleft · 51-55, M
@xmedleft Approaching 1 month, still no recurrence of the pains after the booster.
Confined · 56-60, M
Possible indication of a blood clot.
Carazaa · F
I have not had Covid-19, no sorry I answered yesterday thinking you had a reaction after the vaccine.
I did not. Some stiffness but I think that was more from the excessive sleeping
DanteD · 51-55, M
I think medical attention is required. Did you have the vaccine?
Tittyqueen · 41-45, F
@DanteD nope not getting it either.
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I didn’t have any of those symptoms
Mine was much like having the flu
weapon3030 · 51-55, M
Yes, it’s been over a year and I still feel the effects. Lingering cough and tiredness. Still no smell and very little taste.
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
Had body pain everywhere
Azlotto · M
Did you have any leg pain

I did not.

Heavy ness,

Just in my chest.
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Mindful · 56-60, F
@Stereoguy I’m sorry you had covid!!!!!!
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