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Have you paid a visit to your GP's surgery lately?

I had an appointment this afternoon to get my annual flu shot. I haven't been there since late last year and was a little reluctant to go but knew it was necessary.
What a pleasant surprise I got! There were two rows of seats placed directly in front of the screened off reception desk so you couldn't get close and every chair in the waiting area was the regulatory distance apart. There were only three patients waiting including myself.
I was in and out in under 10 minutes and that included seeing both my GP and the Nurse who administered the injection.
Quick, organised and professional care on their behalf. Bravo! 👏
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SwampFlower · 31-35, F
I saw my hematologist today in office. Didn't have to go through the waiting area at all (it's kind of partitioned off to the side). Everything was very clean.
Peaches · F
@Zoranna I've done a phone appointment too for my sleep apnea. I need a new machine,😒 but my insurance makes you do the sleep study all over again for it?! Because of the corona virus I got to pick up a machine for the test and do it at home, I was happy about that. 😊
Zoranna · F
@Peaches I'll bet you were! haha I too am more than happy to have phone appointments now and when my Oncologist gave me the choice for my next consultation, after the prescribed ongoing tests which I'll have to attend, I eagerly opted for a phone consultation, probably too eagerly! 🤭
Peaches · F
@Zoranna I don't blame you! 🤗☎️
Peaches · F
I went to my therapy session that had been put off because of the corona virus. It's for balance since I broke my ankle years ago, I still don't walk like I used to. Anyway, they stop you at the door now to take your temperature. They all wear gloves and masks, I wore one too. I noticed there were no more magazines in the waiting area, I was actually the only one there! 😎
Zoranna · F
@Peaches Yes, most appointments have had to be rescheduled here too. That's great that they're taking such necessary measures now and I think they'll be in place for quite a while to come.
bookerdana · M
We in the ol USA call them offices😷 But I haven't "been" in a while.

Doctors are men of Science,unlike our leaders so I'm not surprised and I'm glad you had a quick and safe experience😊
Zoranna · F
@bookerdana She sounds very special indeed and I understand how much you'll miss her. 😔 You will work it out but I hope the need to is much later than sooner. Take care.
bookerdana · M
@Zoranna In a pinch I have Urgent Care(which is not the ER)
They are as good as any physician in my experience.... and my Health Care covers the visit!
Thanks again
Zoranna · F
@bookerdana That's great! You're welcome. 😌
Valentine · M
Actually just come back from there. I could fill a whole page with positives and negatives. Let me know if you want more. 😔
Zoranna · F
@Valentine That's really up to you but I'm happy to listen. I'm so sorry you found negatives there, that certainly shouldn't have been the case. I honestly couldn't find one during my visit.
Valentine · M
@Zoranna thank you. Generally it was good. But sometimes they need help joining up the dots!
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
My flu shot I rang the reception when I got to the car cark, at appointment time, gave them my name and a description of my car and three minutes later my GP came out in blues and a mask and gave me my shot standing beside my car. I never see him that quickly EVER.
Zoranna · F
@whowasthatmaskedman Wow! In the carpark, that's impressive, but I'm glad I actually got into the surgery. It was raining here. lol
Tracos · 51-55, M
10 years ago or so
Zoranna · F
@Tracos Lucky you. I hope it's another 10 years or so before another visit.

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