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How is your country condition right now with covid 19

curiosi · 61-69, F
My president is doing all that he can. The sheep are unhappy because THEY refuse to heed warnings and rather than take responsibility they are blaming the president.
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Well, I live in the United States, in Oregon, on the West coast. Washington state, New York, and many of the heavily populated states (California) and other large cities- Chicago... have been hit hard. It seems like points of entry or where travel both originates and receives have been hit the hardest. Listened to a doctor last night. The key is hand washing and non face touching. He felt that to get it in a room, you would have to be with an infected person for 15 minutes +. Even though young people are less affected... a less than 1 year old baby died recently in the US.. Don't eat any theory of the origin in China. China is where Sars, bird flu, etc. came from. Ebola was Africa. It seems like the malaria drugs, when administered early are helping. Don't take the fish tank cleaner with a similar name.
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Johnblackthorn · 56-60, M
Our country is doing great, the people are dropping like flies, but the country is fine.
Infected: 1024
Recovered: 95
Died: 27
Petlover04 · 36-40, F
@ABCDEF7 India 🇮🇳
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
I saw news, The ex boyfriend who is corona positive sneezed 💦over his Ex Girlfriend and ran away! 🏃
Now girl and her family is crying!
IPmyPants · 41-45, M
United States now has most confirmed cases, not a record we are proud of.
Fear, financial meltdown, and a lot of uncertainty
Very poorly 🤒

19,000 cases
1,228 dead 😟
Ian123 · 61-69, M
I suppose it could be worse 🇬🇧
BirthYear1993 · 31-35, M
Same as yours 😛
peachy 🍑

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