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ChanceOfRain · 22-25
I think I remember hearing that as well. Scientists are theorizing that they'll have some kind of cure or medicine for it in a year or so
Carla · 61-69, F
@ChanceOfRain so...why not the cure for the common cold?
ChanceOfRain · 22-25
@Carla I don't know, I've never thought about that. That's a question for Google
Carla · 61-69, F
@ChanceOfRain please see my question to Mr veins:)

Suethenudist · 31-35, F Best Comment
Money. The big drug companies want all of our money that's why there isn't any cures.
Carla · 61-69, F
@Suethenudist I know there are claims to cures. I'm not certain how reliable those claims are.
I do know that there is more money to be made from chronically ill folks than those that are cured.
Suethenudist · 31-35, F
@Carla true.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@Suethenudist No, life is not that simple or convenient, and this stuff costs us trillions - and we have a competitive medical industry in place.

Fixing cancer is just very, very hard - we are a collection of billions of self-replicating biological machines, and there are a lot of chances for replication to go haywire.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
Let's hope the vaccine does more good than harm.
Peaches · F
@SweetMae I'll just watch everyone who got the shot first too see!👀💉
SweetMae · 70-79, F
@Peaches It really knocked me for a loop!! I'm still trying to recover.
Peaches · F
I'm just not sold on it at all.😔I'm too scared to get a vaccine that's been rushed like it has. I'll just stay in the house for a couple of more years!🙃
purplepen · 51-55, F
It's a big strain on everything and everyone.

Basically it's a nasty superflu that weakens people, and some people get severe complications from it.

These vaccines can have complications too, though.
They are both corona viruses. SARS-COV-2 is the current one that causes the Covid-19 - within that there are already a lot of strains. Viruses mutate really quickly.

Finding vaccines is very hard work. I worked for a pharmaceutical company for some years. How a vaccine works is that you want to give people a dose of something that causes the body's immune system to believe it is the harm causing virus and produce antibodies. You essentially train the body to effectively attack it.

However there is the problem - finding something that makes the body believe that is it the virus but that is safe to give to people. Normally you try to "kill" (deactivate actually as it's not alive as such) the virus through heat or strong light etc. Or you deliberately encourage mutations of the virus to get a strain that physically is the same but not as harmful. A more modern but unproven method is to genetically make a something again with the same surface but safe to give to people. Most experimental vaccines will fail though as they prove to be ineffective or at times there's concern over their safety.

Corona Viruses mutate rapidly - especially when new in a species (as this one is now) or in other hosts, horseshoe bats in particular are great at creating nasty ones - this one possibly came from them and jumped to us. So even if you get a vaccine you have to get ahead again of it with another version.

If only we could just get the structure of the virus (which we got quickly on this one) and instantly have a vaccine that worked on it. Sadly we're just not that ahead of nature yet.

Next couple of years seem too long to me...
@Soossie 🤷‍♂️
Just being realistic vaccine development normally takes years. Fastest ever was mumps and that took 4 years. Anything less against a novel virus like this will be frankly miraculous.

I know... :(
curiosi · 61-69, F
They can't even get the basic yearly flu vaccine right. Many that have died from the flu WERE vaccinated. Big pharma is playing on fears.
BlueVeins · 22-25
It's related to the cold, and also SARS and MERS. Well, technically, SARS, MERS, COVID-19 and the common cold are all coronaviruses.
Carla · 61-69, F
@BlueVeins so, there is no vaccine for SARS, mers or the common cold. How do these people think that one can be formulated and available within months, or even years?
goliathtree · 56-60, M
Most colds are rhinovirus related although some of the coronavirus varieties cause cold symptoms. The problem with having a cure for the common cold is the constant mutation of the virus, same as the flu, which are caused by influenza virus's.

I have read that covid19 is not mutating like other corona varieties which does give hope for a vaccine.

I am not a doctor, I just play one on SW, like the rest of those answering this question, so any answer we all give should be taken with a grain of salt - which can cause hypertension.
Northwest · M
Corona is a family of viruses. The common cold belongs to that family. What we're dealing with now, is called COVID-19.
Northwest · M
@purplepen Don't take anything prescribed by Dr. Trump. Anti-virals have to be applied with care, to minimize the possibility of "friendly-fire".
purplepen · 51-55, F
@Northwest OK. Health Canada tends to be more vigilant.
Northwest · M
@purplepen FYI: there is anti-viral drug, that was sent from a Seattle company to China, and was used to treat patient 0 in the US, as well as another patient in Seattle, who were both critical, and they turned the corner overnight. That needs to be proven clinically and the FDA allowed its use on a humanitarian basis. It's always possible that the dosage and the recovery are orthogonal, so this is only anecdotal.
There are 7 identified Coronavirus types.

4 of these are always in regular circulation in the population. They are "the common cold".

The other 3 are far more serious in that they cause worse condition (in some) and due to being "novel" (ie something not seen regularly by human immune systems) more infectious etc. These are the MERs-Cov one, the original SARS-CoV one and now SARS-CoV-2 which can lead to Covid-19 (which is the disease not the virus).

Regarding strains. All viruses are constantly mutating. Actually of SARS-CoV-2 we know of at least 6 main ones already.

Explains the imperial approach

Oxford approach
Carla · 61-69, F
@SW-User well...ive trusted flu vaccines for 20 years. I've been fortunate that they either work or, well, I am just fortunate. I will however, wait till a couple have been circulated. The first shingles vaccine is what comes to mind.

Hey, I want to thank you for your input.
They have already started animal testing. It was developed from work at UT, but they did not develop it using the actual virus so not sure how that works but microbiologist are pretty smart about these things. I also heard Israel is close to start testing soon as well.
Carla · 61-69, F
@Herpet I certainly hope they are successful
purplepen · 51-55, F
They'd better just take people more seriously if they get anything with severe symptoms.
Carla · 61-69, F
@purplepen I hope they do.
TexChik · F
yes, it is...also SARS and the bird flu are variants of the Corona Virus
Carla · 61-69, F
@TexChik no vaccine for sars
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Your fellow Leftists at the CDC, WHO and China, along with your Leftist media concocted the constant FEAR about this virus. All in hopes of destroying the US economy and derailing the Trump presidency.

It’s 24/7 the world is going to end propaganda unless a “vaccine” is found. If you only knew how evil and toxic the Left is, maybe you would begin to see truth.
The Covid paper I read this morning was 7 pages long it said tons of stuff but nowhere anything as simplistic as a common cold. There is still a crap load of studies to be done so don't be bamboozled by some Happy Polyanna report you read.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
The common cold is generally rhinovirus-caused, so not really.

A vaccine is at least a year out. We’ll have to do this one the old fashioned way.
Carla · 61-69, F
@QuixoticSoul I hope they (whomever they may be) are successful.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@QuixoticSoul The vaccine is already out. They just haven't told you. 🙂
homespun2 · 70-79, M
I hope not cause there aint no clue for the common cold.
Carla · 61-69, F
@homespun2 I think it may be a very long time before any vaccine that is worth taking is produced, as they talk about the virus mutating.
I guess in time, we will see.
Thatsright · 61-69, M
So, no cure.
Carla · 61-69, F
@Thatsright not yet.
In other postings here some are lamenting the fact that many drugs used here in America COME FROM CHINA! and that some pharmaceutical entities have even shut down here.
swirlie · 31-35, F

That is correct. Most of America's drug manufacturing has been out-sourced to China long ago, thereby making America a Nation dependent on China for many things such as pharmaceutical drugs, Walmart store supplies, as well as car tires, car parts and all farm tractor manufacturing destined for American use. All of it has been outsourced to China, thus the lamenting you have been reading about in here.

Of those few remaining pharmaceutical drugs made within the USA, a common component found within most common drugs is actually manufactured in China and then shipped to the USA where it is then used to make American-manufactured drugs.

That component from China however, has recently stopped flowing to the USA just like everything else has stopped flowing, meaning that ordinary pharmaceuticals made in the USA are now NOT being manufactured for American use, do to the supply chain interruption from China of that one vital component that is common to all common drugs.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
It is. Common colds are caused by various corona viruses. It is one of the reasons I doubt that they will ever come up with a vaccine. A treatment regimen seems much more likely.
homespun2 · 70-79, M
the Usa will push the hardest.So money can be made as fast as possible.And not caring if it works or if it hurts people.
Carla · 61-69, F
@homespun2 taking the cue from Russia. I believe that is the course they may take.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@swirlie Just spray in the morning. Then at night before bed.
swirlie · 31-35, F

Spray what? My tongue?
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@swirlie No. Just spray it in the air if you know what's good for ya.
swirlie · 31-35, F

Yes, I believe Trump himself theorized that notion.
swirlie · 31-35, F

as for your comment, trumps theory isnt a theory

Yes, you are correct. Trump's theory was actually an un-educated guess on Donald Trump's part, his intention being to avoid mass public panic.

But Donald Trump is a politician, not a Physician, which means that anything he says about anything he knows nothing about, is an un-educated guess on his part, not a theory as you correctly stated.
Carla · 61-69, F
@swirlie I'm getting an education here. I appreciate you taking the time for this.
So much more satisfying than google.
swirlie · 31-35, F

Oh you're welcome!
This message was deleted by its author.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@BlueVeins Influenza virus is not part of the coronavirus family. Neither are rhinoviruses which is what usually causes the common cold. But some common cold cases are caused by coronaviruses of various types.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@QuixoticSoul Oh yeah, sure enough. my bad
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@BlueVeins This shit is arbitrarily confusing 🤷‍♂️

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