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What is difference between lugol iodine n radioactive iodine n for what they r used?

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Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
You may want to set up an appointment with an endocrinologist but what I know as a patient is the lugol is used when you need iodine, but it is only for a short period of time. They also use lugol in testing your cervix for cancer. And then I answered the radioactive part on your other question. Pancreas and thyroid issues are nothing to play around with. Seek and endocrinologist with a good reputation and make an appt soon. Seeking information from non professionals in this scenario could lead you down a bad path.
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
Lugol is usually an antiseptic. Radioactive iodine is usually used as a biological tracer.
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MethDozer · M
Well, Lugol's idodine solution has potassium iodine in it and when taken the thyroid uptakes that over any radioactive elemental iodine or radioactive iodine compounds .

Your thyroid can only absorb so.much iodine at a time and Lugols solution displaces radioactive idodine so less can be absorbed thereby mitigating the effects on the thyroid.

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