CharlieZ · 70-79, M
I don´t even mix pinneaple with pizza.
Would there be any other reason to do it?
Awfullybrave · F
Those days are over for me and never did that. What does it do when mixed? Does it make you feel different opposed to doing them individually?
hardcor364 · 56-60, M
@Awfullybrave yes it dose, mixed you get a different buzz, wide awake and mellow at the same time and you don't get paranoid like you do with just speed.
Awfullybrave · F
@hardcor364 oh ok :)
ImKelsey · 26-30, F
Is that what they call speed balling?
hardcor364 · 56-60, M
@DxNxA that's how i do it
@hardcor364 lmao tip it all over ya haha
bijouxbroussard · F
I’m sure some self-destructive souls do. 😒