Viper · M
In my experience the best way to battle depression is to verbally talk about it and open up to someone (anyone, that you feel you can trust).
Heck during one depression, I opened up to my neighbors Golden Retriever and would just spend 30+ mins petting and talking with the dog that just wanted to be petted and loved on.
But in my experience, physically talking to someone in real life has helped most.
There are also some apps that are said to help depression, though I know very little about them, or if they work.
Heck during one depression, I opened up to my neighbors Golden Retriever and would just spend 30+ mins petting and talking with the dog that just wanted to be petted and loved on.
But in my experience, physically talking to someone in real life has helped most.
There are also some apps that are said to help depression, though I know very little about them, or if they work.
Mxisxfunxxx · 56-60, F
I have been there. DO NOT GIVE UP. It was love that got me through. This may sound stupid but remember its in your head and love is real. that's what got me through the rough times. if you want PM me and I will chat with you.
InvaderNice · 26-30, M
@Mxisxfunxxx Hi Ms. M! 🤗 I wasn’t aware you went through something like that. I’m glad you got out okay.
Mxisxfunxxx · 56-60, F
@InvaderNice I did. It has 15 years now but when I think about it I am so glad I had friends
InvaderNice · 26-30, M
@Mxisxfunxxx And you have one here, too. :)
InvaderNice · 26-30, M
Keep talking, first of all. You’re doing the right thing right now. You can message me if you want.
rokrchik1211 · 31-35, F
If your not opposed to meds, you could see a doctor.
Try CBD it really lifted a lot of my anxiety.
Montanaman · M
Talk with a close family member, a close friend, pastor, or hell, someone on here you trust.👍🤗