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Thanks for sharing
dyinglight · 31-35, M
@SStarfish yw
I farted so loud my dog just left me fyi
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
Do you know what this is
Three Mile Island...
[image/video deleted]
Three Mile Island...
kodiac · 22-25, M
Think of your pets!!!!!![media=]
Wiseacre · F
What are u eating?
EugenieLaBorgia · F
It's mostly because you're at that age when men begin to rot from the inside.
dyinglight · 31-35, M
@EugenieLaBorgia and women?
Dutch oven yourself and put yourself out of misery
dyinglight · 31-35, M
@Marta dutch oven myself?
@dyinglight oh dear your in worse shape than I thought