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Why would some one keep feeling unwell.

Like aching all over headaches ,stomach pains, and feeling just tired and it drag on for a while oh and hot sweats.but doctor say can't find anything wrong with you.
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I'm no doctor, so I can be wrong, but I've read that it can be related to anxiety or depression
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
I suspect because medical problems are generally due to viral infection; malfunctioning organs or blood problems.
If your doctor has considered these options and found nothing. Their conclusion is likely to be that whatever you feel, it's likely to be in your mind.
Headache; stomach pains; tiredness they're hardly specific are they.
Do you get certain pain at certain times ?
How do you eat ? Balanced diet ? Regularly ? If you do. And you still get pain later. Is it possible that you might have depression of some kind ?
Might be worth keeping a diary of what you do. How long you sleep. What you eat. Where you get it from. How you store it. How you prepare it. How you cook it. How much of it you eat. What you do with any leftovers etc.
Sounds kinda anal I know. But if you can do it for a couple of weeks then go back to the doc if you're still having troubles. At least they'd be able to read and make assessments based on something other than a five minute diagnosis.
WhatShallIcallyou · 51-55, M
Pickle bobble has provided lots of good suggestions. However I wouldn't be just keeping a diary for the moment. The trouble with a diary is that life is complicated and the body's reactions to food can be delayed up to for days (I commonly get reactions 2 days later). If you are getting a lot of flatulence, I'd try something like the FODMAP diet for a week. If your situation changes you are onto something.
Otherwise I'd try two different things, try an elimination diet. What it does is reduce your diet down to a few staples that most people don't react to and then add foods in that you might be reacting to. If you feel better while on the restricted diet, you can be moderately confident it is food related. The rest of the diet will help you determine what it is in a scientific manner.

The other thing to try is a low-inflammatory diet. This type of diet can address problems where the body is reacting to something inflammatory. In my case the inflammation was caused by a leaking gut (and the diet didn't manage to solve it, though it did help with some symptoms). A low-inflammatory diet is widely recommended for arthritis these days. I've seen many variants of this diet. They have lots in common. I've had experience with the GAPS diet and the introductory phase is probably a good test. Have a bit of a read about it and see if it describes your symptoms. If it does, you can attempt it and see if there is any impact.

I'm in favour of getting professional help (as long as they actually have sufficient knowledge and help). Hence I see these as short-term tests (perhaps 2 weeks) that you are conducting on yourself to help the doctors with a diagnosis. If either of these show something up then you may want to prompt the doctor for a referral to a gastroenterologist or you may like to take it up with an alternative health professional who is knowledgeable in the field.

If your symptoms occur rarely but have persisted over time, then a diary can really help. It might show that the symptom occurs after other events in your life. You may for instance be reacting to stress or a particular scent in a perfume. I wouldn't rule out that you have multiple things happening at once cause by multiple triggers.
get another opinion..and another and another till you find answers
WhatShallIcallyou · 51-55, M
The doctor can't find everything that might be wrong. I've had food intollerences for years and a number of doctors had been stumped. It is only recently that a naturopath has requested a test that identifies a parasitic bacteria. I'll see if that was the cause once I'm finished treatment (or deem the treatment a failure).

Actually, you do describe symptoms like those caused by food problems. Do yo have it all the time, or just at times and then it goes away?
thinkingtoohard1 · 41-45, F
Well I have felt un well for past 18 years but on and off but this last week been worse started off with runs then went to headache's and feeling so tired and weak have to take everything slowly which is frustrating as I am already slow at things don't know if this week just been a virus but seriously on and off been feeling ill past 18 years.
WhatShallIcallyou · 51-55, M
I currently believe I got food intollerences due to a parasitic bacteria. If I look back I probably first had it 17 years ago. After an initial bout of what would have seemed like a yeast infection, I mostly recovered, and then gradually got worse over the years. Headaches and tiredness was common. With tiredness comes slowness. Do you ever get a foggy head?
A stomach problem? Did you give a fecal sample?

Nothing wrong with a cleanse. Keeping a steady routine.

If that don't work. See a doctor.

Hope you feel better.
xCoinx · 31-35, M
Coz doctors are just people who failed chiropractor school.
Sounds like depression.
WhatShallIcallyou · 51-55, M
I was going to say, it doesn't sound like my depression. But if the stomach ache was from stress.....
@WhatShallIcallyou: all depression manifests with different physical symptoms. Some people have no physical symptoms while others have lots including body aches nausea and vomiting. It just depends on the individual.
WhatShallIcallyou · 51-55, M
Anyway, to check if it is depression, have a look here
Obviously something isn't right even if he can't find it.. There isn't anyone in your life who would try to poison you? Is there?
monkeyman · 51-55, M
It's probably an incurable tropical disease you have picked up from a flying insect.

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