Peaceful · F
It is most likely cysts. I say that to give you some stress relief. I've had plenty of them over the years, still scary stuff. Let us know how it goes. 💜
MellyMel22 · F
Good thing you’re getting checked.. Don’t panic though, it may just be cysts. But it’s important to be sure.
I wish you the best 💜
I wish you the best 💜

you're young, it's most likely fibroids and/or cysts. look up DIM, diindolylmethane. it's amazing stuff for this sort of thing.
Wurkoutgurl · 46-50, F
Had the same thing happen to me when I was young. Just cysts from birth control. Don't worry too much.
Rutterman · 46-50, M
It's probably nothing too serious in someone as young as you. I will pray that your tests confirm that.
gregloa · 61-69, M
You’re in my prayers.
MrAboo · 36-40, M
I wish you the best
Mondayschild · F
I have had lumps and biopsies and it was all benign.
Imjohnnycash · 26-30, M
My positive thoughts will be with you hipstercatlover.
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uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Hope it's all benign. Hugs.