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Does anyone have any really intricate fixations? I know most fixations can get very in depth, but I have this weird thing and I'm not really even sure if it's a fixation. How do you know if something is a fixation or not?

I have this ongoing sort of project where I create characters and then I start hearing them as voices in my head. It started as just a creative writing and drawing sort of thing, where I would draw characters and imagine them in a story. For some reason, though, they became more than that and I started talking to them. I have conversations with them like they're real people, only it's all in my head. They tell me more about their stories and I talk to them about whatever's on my mind.

These characters come and go as I come up with newer stories. I've lost count of how many there have been, but I've long since passed 40 individual characters. I've talked to each and every one of them, sometimes one and one and sometimes in a group. I'll usually end up kind of fixated on a specific character and spend a lot of time talking to them, until I suddenly find that there is a new character growing without warning. Then the new character becomes the main one that I talk to and I build a story around them with other characters that I talk to. Sometimes I don't even really finish a character's story until after I've moved on to new characters and I go back and revisit old ones.

I have done this since I was around 12 years old. Is this a fixation, or is it something else?
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transvans · 26-30, T
@wakanda4eva Lmao I hope not! But honestly I don't think it is, because my symptoms don't fit. I don't experience paranoia or incoherent speech or anything. Good guess, though!
wakanda4eva · 26-30, F
@transvans heh heh heh had a good try tho ;) #WINNINGGGggg, but nah just messin haha, alsoo kinda just wanted to clarify if you really had it or not lol *cough* but I reckon u are just pretty damn fixated at it, I'm not sure if it is related to stress cos during exam period for me, it was like crazy how much conversations were replaying in my head of like different people talking at once, I'm glad that's over and I can finally sleep in peace lol x-x
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
congrats, you made a tulpa

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