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GenieLove · 31-35, F
Damn thats a shame. You cant rely on the medical system for basic health care let alone mental health. Its hard but you have to be stronger
AlphaPuppy · 26-30, M
@GenieLove and that is why I am unlikely to see my next birthday. The way things are going, getting worse every day rather than better, soon the constant suicidal urges will overwhelm me again and maybe my next suicide attempt will be a success rather than the numerous other times I have tried and failed
GenieLove · 31-35, F
@AlphaPuppy i battle the same fears(;)
AlphaPuppy · 26-30, M
@GenieLove I'm sorry to hear that, I know it's not a pleasant place to be

PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
No, but I've been in the hospital with people who were committed involuntarily.
No I've never been did it turn out did you get the help you needed? I think mental health care is inadequate.
AlphaPuppy · 26-30, M
@Cutiepi23 problem with my condition is I'm not capable of doing those things for myself, I can't manage my own care or well-being without help, but because on a good day I can put on a front of normality I don't get that support that I need.
I know all about that a hidden disability it's not easy to live with as people often wrongly seem to think your over reacting or pretending. I hope you find the support you deserve.
AlphaPuppy · 26-30, M
@Cutiepi23 high functioning autism/asbergers and borderline personality disorder combined are virtually crippling me. Unfortunately I don't think I have enough time to get the help I need before my resolve against the suicidal urges breaks and I give up again
monster007 · 46-50, F
well that's Illuminati job... and electr waves... don't worry u r not a psycho..
monster007 · 46-50, F
@AlphaPuppy well... they must of fuck with yr brain a lot...
AlphaPuppy · 26-30, M
@monster007 Well clearly you didn't get any education, your spelling alone gives that away let alone your distorted views on mental health.
monster007 · 46-50, F
@AlphaPuppy there is no mental health u moron...u better educate yrself about pharmaceutical companies and electromagnetic waves used on people all over the world...listen on youtube if you can't read...also not everyone is educated like u tosser and as they say in Oxford University u can fuck off from my education and my spelling u retard!

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