High fiber and moderate protein intake.
Just stay away from highly processed meats like spam or most hot dogs.
No white bread or any bread products that are simple carbs.
The brown breads with the least ingredients are best.
Brown rice instead of white, not instant rice.
Rolled oats are better than highly processed instant ones.
No low fat products they will actually trigger your system to eat more than the higher fat products and they have all kinds of additives, you are better off just cutting back on the full fat variety type or just not using them all together.
Diet soda can trigger you to eat sweets so it is usually best to stay away from soda.
Stay away from all fast food joints or educate yourself on what is safe for you to eat at the them.
Eat this not that books can be helpful with that.
Look for saturated fat content -want that low and lower calories at these places is usually better.
Although high in fat nuts and avocados actually contain the good fats.
Olive oil is good for salads and for use unheated, once you heat an oil it becomes saturated.
As much as possible it is best to prepare your own foods rather than relying on frozen dinners or dining out.
Just stay away from highly processed meats like spam or most hot dogs.
No white bread or any bread products that are simple carbs.
The brown breads with the least ingredients are best.
Brown rice instead of white, not instant rice.
Rolled oats are better than highly processed instant ones.
No low fat products they will actually trigger your system to eat more than the higher fat products and they have all kinds of additives, you are better off just cutting back on the full fat variety type or just not using them all together.
Diet soda can trigger you to eat sweets so it is usually best to stay away from soda.
Stay away from all fast food joints or educate yourself on what is safe for you to eat at the them.
Eat this not that books can be helpful with that.
Look for saturated fat content -want that low and lower calories at these places is usually better.
Although high in fat nuts and avocados actually contain the good fats.
Olive oil is good for salads and for use unheated, once you heat an oil it becomes saturated.
As much as possible it is best to prepare your own foods rather than relying on frozen dinners or dining out.

Lots of fresh veggies, lean meat... exercise, water and will power
lucetta12 · 36-40, F
Low fat. I eat low fat and I’m lean. I eat lots of veggies, sticky rice, noodle soup and drink lots and lots of water. Don’t cut calories. Don’t starve yourself.
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
Eating fewer calories...
BeefySenpie · M
@PaleandPolluted You're a genius. Glad someone had the answer 👍
xSharp · 31-35, M
ketogenic diet
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
Everyone is different but I dropped weight when I stopped eating so many damn carbs
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@JarJarBoom oh my gosh yes you’re spot on! Carbs really do 🥖 😝
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
@Rosey777 potatoes are the devil
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
@SW-User but carbs are so damn delicious
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
You know what is good lol... it's just a matter of sticking to the healthy stuff :)