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Do you work out?

Just curious what people do. If you do work out what’s your reasoning? Now to make this sound less creepy I’ll share my reasoning.

In late elementary to early to mid middle school I was chubby. Like not a little bit a lot. I ate way too much, I didn’t go outside, and I had no social life. My whole family has endomorphic bodies. Like they all lift weights and are like tanks. Me and my dad went to the gym and he wanted to do some running with me and his version of cardio was using an elyptical at max resistance. My weight barely pushed the pedal down. Anyway I never worked out but then in mid to late middle school I had a change of heart when you know social pressure, crushes, and feeling healthy came into play. I joined the red soccer team and oh boy that whipped me into shape relatively. I got more social and stuff and when I first started working out my brother trained me and all I did was strength building pretty much which wasn’t the body type I wanted. I started doing a lot of research on different body types and found the way to be an ectomorph was cardio. I got really into mountain biking, seriously go to schweitzer mountain in Idaho if you live near there, and I loved that. So I you know was back to normal in terms of my body type which was my original goal but then I wanted to become an extomorph. An impossible task really but idk. And ever since I’ve been doing cardio. I couldn’t do soccer this year because robotics took over my life but I’ve been biking loads and been a long distance runner. I am slowly shifting to an ectomorph after a couple of years of cardio so it is possible but you have to have a serious work ethic to change body types. So anyway ya that’s kinda what I do working out and my story. My reasoning is still the same pretty much. Societal pressure, crushes, and feeling amazing. Ya so sorry that was so long...
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