QuietExit · F
Shaving cream? & Perhaps even a shaving cream specifically for sensitive skin. Maybe try to shave slower & try not to shave before you need to? Idk.. I have super sensitive skin & am easily irritated by shaving.. so those are things I do that help a little
Niethernor · 51-55, T
@QuietExit thank you honey, I've tried going slow, fast, etc. Nothing seems to work. I will try to find some extra sensitive products today. It looks awful too! :(
QuietExit · F
@Niethernor well I hope you figure something out soon!! razor rashes/ burns suck! & they do look pretty bad too.. i would almost just rather have a little hair than a million irritated red bumps, or whatever..but not shaving drives me bananas!!
Niethernor · 51-55, T
@QuietExit hehehe, this is my exact dilemma! I hate body hair though! ;D
RemovedUsername83534 · 46-50, F
There's some really good products for this but the name escapes me . If I get the chance I'll try find it. Laser is the best solution though !
Niethernor · 51-55, T
@RemovedUsername83534 ah, laser, I never thought about that! I will do some research. Thank you so much sweetie, BTW does it hurt? Hehehe
RemovedUsername83534 · 46-50, F
@Niethernor ten skin is one of the products I was thinking of !
Yes laser hurts , esp the first time but even after two sessions , your ingrown hairs should be gone forever ! In the time being , exfoliate before you shave and get a good ingrown product for after !
Yes laser hurts , esp the first time but even after two sessions , your ingrown hairs should be gone forever ! In the time being , exfoliate before you shave and get a good ingrown product for after !
psikeo · 31-35, M
Niethernor · 51-55, T
@psikeo I always do but it doesn't work :(
psikeo · 31-35, M
you might need a new razor
Niethernor · 51-55, T
@psikeo I never use a razor more than once, so it can't be that! Thanks anyway x