ExtremeNext · 36-40
Because im cool !

Because people are easily peer pressured. It was a social thing to do back then, and it's stuck since.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
Categorically, most people who smoke are in lower classes. Feelings of inequality, stress, peer pressure, etc. One might also add in self-destructive tendencies. Or todestrieb. The death drive. Opposite of the sex drive or life drive, it's a theoretical drive towards self-destruction. Slow suicide. Much like fast food.
In fact. That's another decent comparison. Why do people eat junk food, when diabetes and heart disease are the top killers? Instant gratification, coping mechanism, addiction, etc.
Although, to be fair, these are probably reasons people begin smoking. Once the addiction takes hold, fairly quickly, it no longer requires a reason. Much like eating does not really require a reason. You become hungry, therefore you require food. You crave tobacco, therefore you require a cigarette.
In fact. That's another decent comparison. Why do people eat junk food, when diabetes and heart disease are the top killers? Instant gratification, coping mechanism, addiction, etc.
Although, to be fair, these are probably reasons people begin smoking. Once the addiction takes hold, fairly quickly, it no longer requires a reason. Much like eating does not really require a reason. You become hungry, therefore you require food. You crave tobacco, therefore you require a cigarette.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Tatsumi if you were older you would remember ,even the Flintstones promoted smoking .
Cigarettes were given to the vets ,even put in survival kits and rations
and it was not only the "Lower Class" that smoked
it was not until after 1980 when Bill Clinton banned tobacco ads that the campaign to make smoking taboo began
its also a fact ,the industry targets the youth now and people in poverty
but it was not always so ,
at one time filters and holders for cigarettes actually targeted the wealthy ,
in my generation Everyone smoked ,so kids did as their parents did ,and the stars they loved ,Lucas McCane ,Lucy ,Andy Griffith ,the Duke ,all stars smoked
you can still look up the ads and old shows and see most stars smoked ,
even John Wayne promoted cigarettes ,the Marlborough man ,some that would rather fight then switch ,Winston tastes good ,
Smoking ads were every 15 min ,many back to back
Salem and Kools actually made it sound like they would cool you off to smoke them
The Tobacco industry was also proven to put additives is cigarettes to make them more addictive ,,
but I wont add "Studies say " ,,you can believe what you want
Cigarettes were given to the vets ,even put in survival kits and rations
and it was not only the "Lower Class" that smoked
it was not until after 1980 when Bill Clinton banned tobacco ads that the campaign to make smoking taboo began
its also a fact ,the industry targets the youth now and people in poverty
but it was not always so ,
at one time filters and holders for cigarettes actually targeted the wealthy ,
in my generation Everyone smoked ,so kids did as their parents did ,and the stars they loved ,Lucas McCane ,Lucy ,Andy Griffith ,the Duke ,all stars smoked
you can still look up the ads and old shows and see most stars smoked ,
even John Wayne promoted cigarettes ,the Marlborough man ,some that would rather fight then switch ,Winston tastes good ,
Smoking ads were every 15 min ,many back to back
Salem and Kools actually made it sound like they would cool you off to smoke them
The Tobacco industry was also proven to put additives is cigarettes to make them more addictive ,,
but I wont add "Studies say " ,,you can believe what you want
unitX · 36-40, M
One reason is addiction, and additions doesn't mean one enjoys it.
Iwillsurvive · 26-30, F
My father does when he is stressed.
He is always stressed...
He is always stressed...
Fangirlsarah1996 · 26-30, F
Because it is literally addictive.

to relieve stress
bigjohndl · 70-79, M
Adult pacifiers.

It's addictive

They like it
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Suicidal. Flirting with Death.

@hunkalove I always look at my smoking and past drug addictions as commuting indirect suicide.
VioletDreams · 36-40, F
To get high
Fangirlsarah1996 · 26-30, F
@VioletDreams I think they meant the other kind of smoking...you know, the cancer one?
VioletDreams · 36-40, F
@Fangirlsarah1996 alright to get buzzed then.
squidgy · 36-40, F
Tobacco manufacturers add substances to cigarettes to increase their addictiveness so that more people are hooked.

@squidgy I vape now and lots of media outlets are saying they are worse which is not true, vape juice contains the same substance which is used in athsma puffers. Tobacco companies probably pay the media to spread that bullshit to keep people on tobacco. They see vaping as a threat to the industry.
squidgy · 36-40, F
@SW-User I cannot think about the tobacco industry. It pisses me off. Tobacco Industry. Pharmaceutical Industry. Insurance Industry. F#cking assholes. I wish someone would take the power out of the hands of these disgusting individuals.
I have never tried vaping. I do have asthma.
I have never tried vaping. I do have asthma.

I took it up at 11 to spite my parents for refusing to quit.
bijouxbroussard · F
With all that we now understand about smoking, especially tobacco, I have no idea. I don't know how people even justify starting. 🚬
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Fangirlsarah1996 · 26-30, F
@bijouxbroussard Because there were probably "cool kids" before them.
You should see the "cool "kids"" in my neighbourhood...a couple of them look around 30 :/
The youth in England is probably shittier than most places in the world...at least everywhere else they want to get a job, here though? They're happy to live off of benefits and just cause chaos.
I feel like I started rambling there :/
You should see the "cool "kids"" in my neighbourhood...a couple of them look around 30 :/
The youth in England is probably shittier than most places in the world...at least everywhere else they want to get a job, here though? They're happy to live off of benefits and just cause chaos.
I feel like I started rambling there :/
bijouxbroussard · F
@Fangirlsarah1996 Alas, there are places and people like that here (in the U.S.), too. 😅
Fangirlsarah1996 · 26-30, F
@bijouxbroussard It seems that the delinquent youth is a factor that resides in every nation, in one form or another :/
Smoke what? Cigars, cigarettes, weed?
Jasonb · 36-40, M
Cause they like it
rckt148 · 61-69, M
to green to burn
you'll get it ,it takes a second
you'll get it ,it takes a second