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laurieluvsit · 26-30, F
I have Bipolar Mania, which is more intense then Hypomania.

The most troublesome symptom for me is the extreme anxiety level which can even prevent sleep in some circumstances if treatment is unavailable.

I hope you get better and yours goes away.

laurieluvsit · 26-30, F
Yes, 1 always has Mania associated with it and 2 never does making 2 less severe is all.
itsok · 31-35, F
@laurieluvsit well 2 has the hypomania
laurieluvsit · 26-30, F
Yes :)

being · 36-40, F
Usually it feels good but as awareness increases, and so I now know when I'm on one, some of the excitement is gone as I'm aware of the coming down and of the temporary super powers. It can still feel good but bit too stressful. I don't get them often but I see how working on the arts is causing me to hyper-something sometimes...
being · 36-40, F
@itsok I'm not doing stupid things anymore. Usually I let myself write down a hype scenario of how I'm going to do 100 things within the next week or month or year and I'm consuming it there.
Once I'm done with the peculiar planning, the episode is over and I throw the papers away, trying to get back to balance..

Somehow writing down my ambitious plans helps
itsok · 31-35, F
@being oh so yours is hypo too? I don’t do anything too ridiculous either. Usually I’ll focus on doing something creative (building or making something) and those usually last less than a week. I also get a lot of cleaning and cooking done in that time too, and I feel good, so they’re pretty nice. I also listen to music nonstop, and very loud, and I’m not a big music person in general. I had one episode that lasted a few months back in 2021 and that’s when I actually became active on sw. Prior to that I used it but infrequently, and didn’t interact much
being · 36-40, F
@itsok I am only self diagnosed. But I know I do get manic as much as I get depressive and low. I see it nowadays as a more general imbalance and I try to get back to an equilibrium.
But I can make use of it like you say, to get things done using the momentum until I get sick or crash, as I'm using the depression to rest and decompress, until I can work again.

But I am finding some balance indeed.
I still struggle with consistency and discipline a great deal though and so I want to rearrange the terminology for me, in a way to make my sensitivities work for me instead of against me.

A way I'm thinking around it, is to allow myself to change schedules according to more general concepts, like health, well being, creativity, etc rather than trying to work with more specific things and constantly feeling like I'm failing, sooner or later.

I don't know if you understand, I'm writing too much!
sirweighsalot · 22-25, M
I have severe type 1 bipolar. During my one manic episode, I rapidly switched back and forth between being severely paranoid and being on top of the world. I locked myself in my home and thought I was living in the purge. Happened months ago and I'm still recovering from how scary everything was.
itsok · 31-35, F
@sirweighsalot that does sound really scary I have a few siblings with bipolar (1, 2 and the other one is schizoaffective and if they break the bipolar part of that into 1 and 2 he just never said) and none of them have really explained too much about the mania/hypomania. But my niece is type 1 and was telling me about thinking she was god, and the amount of anger she felt, and how it never felt good
It's good if I have an outlet directed inward, but I can be too much trying to flying high with people.
itsok · 31-35, F
@MarbleMarvel is it hypomania?
@itsok maybe. It's not as severe for the most part.
BlueVeins · 22-25
I get times where i feel mega hype for no reason and think i can do anything and that everything is gonna be ok. Idk if its hypomania, but it feels great. Also the only time i get anything done around the house lol
itsok · 31-35, F
@BlueVeins that does sound similar
Wiseacre · F
Never had that..I tend to unipolar depression.
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itsok · 31-35, F
@Cassieeeee yeah, that sounds similar to my hypomania. Do you ever feel like a ptsd trigger kickstarts a hypomanic episode?
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
@itsok Yes, I spoke to my last therapist about that 🥹
eastcoastcycler · 61-69, M
I could use a little mania. I’m unipolar depressed most of the time.

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