itsok I am only self diagnosed. But I know I do get manic as much as I get depressive and low. I see it nowadays as a more general imbalance and I try to get back to an equilibrium.
But I can make use of it like you say, to get things done using the momentum until I get sick or crash, as I'm using the depression to rest and decompress, until I can work again.
But I am finding some balance indeed.
I still struggle with consistency and discipline a great deal though and so I want to rearrange the terminology for me, in a way to make my sensitivities work for me instead of against me.
A way I'm thinking around it, is to allow myself to change schedules according to more general concepts, like health, well being, creativity, etc rather than trying to work with more specific things and constantly feeling like I'm failing, sooner or later.
I don't know if you understand, I'm writing too much!