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Vacation was helpful

I was sick for most of it, but I’ve been sick and weak all month anyway. I’ve barely been able to eat anything, which really hasn’t helped. But I spent the week in a cabin, resting and trying to eat a bit more. I lived off of vegetable soup, oatmeal, saltines, watermelon, peach tea, and almond milk. It was great.

Unfortunately, I was too weak to hike like I wanted. I had a balcony, though, and got to watch animals from there. A deer caught me watching, and got creeped out. 🤭 But then it brought a friend along to eat some leaves a few feet away from that spot, so they must have understood I wasn’t really a threat. Look at that frozen hind leg hanging in the air, scared to make a sudden movement. Wish I could share the video of them.

I also saw some Stellar’s jays, which might be the most beautiful bird I’ve ever seen in my life. No clear pictures of them, because they don’t like to stay still, and my hands aren’t very steady lately.
Mostly, I just enjoyed watching everything, and didn’t need to get so many pictures.

The cabin itself was a bit rough. I could tell there was damage from flooding; probably from the sprinkler after a fire. The flooring was warped, and there was a staining ring around the perimeter of the cabin walls. The furniture was duct taped in some areas, but most of that was falling off. My blanket was severely frayed and smelled like dog breath. The shower wouldn’t warm up. The whole place wasn’t very well cleaned. I wouldn’t recommend the place to anyone…but I’d stay there again. 😂 It’s a huge step up from my current living conditions. I found it cozy, but I know others will not. (Cold showers are good for ya!)

When I wasn’t stuck in bed coughing up a storm, I read the Bible, journaled, listened to sermons and lessons, watched some light-hearted movies, and avoided social media. I realized a few things about myself and my walk with the Lord. I’ll spare you the details.

I’m really glad I was able to take that time for myself. I worried that I’d be devastated again once I returned home, but I was fine. Now I’m back to work, trying to get as much of the house cleaned up as I’m allowed to.
Oh Angel, I wish you weren't so ill. I'm keeping you in my prayers. I am glad that you got to get away for a while, but I wish you could have done more and hadn't felt so ill. I love that you tried to enjoy it anyway and that you did enjoy yourself. You are such a humble, thankful and beautiful person. I just want to see you well. 🥰🌹 Big hugs.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Sounds like something of a reset for body; spirit and mind.

Hope you feel fitter soon.
Lilymoon · F
Sounds like that was just what you needed. 👌🏻
@Lilymoon Yes. 🥰
candycane · 31-35, F
Glad you enjoyed and I could live there👍

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