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I am thinking

I’m over it; whatever it was that bothered me so much about losing my hair and how my appearance had changed back to sickly. I’m about ready to shave my remaining hair and just be completely bald for all I’d cared even just a few days ago (to hell with that nice wig). It’s like when I was going to have my hysterectomy and part of me mourned that’s I’d never have a child even though I didn’t even want to be a mother. I needed to work that out of my system and get my mind back to what I really want or care about: my health and strength.
Lostpoet · M
You can always adopt a Lostpoet🥺
@Lostpoet And have my thoughts turned into poems? 🤔
Lostpoet · M
@Colonelmustardseed [b]😌Broken poems[/b]
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
You have strong mental fortitude, totally opposite of me…
@AuRevoir You’re strong. You’ve been keeping yourself going for a long time.
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
@Colonelmustardseed existing isn’t the same as going I think haha..
Mardrae · F
I’m sorry about your hair loss….was it from cancer?
@Mardrae Yes. It’s okay, though. I was complaining a lot for a bit, but I’m finally okay with it.

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