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I’m bored of cancer

That was what I used to say when people asked me how I was doing or how I was feeling. Then my condition got worse, and I was terrified. Couldn’t say I was bored then.
“Oh, you take it seriously now?” I was asked.
Did I not before? I must just have had such an inflated ego, thinking I was so strong. Before I turned to God, my way of handling it was to think “it’s not my pain; it’s the cancer’s pain. I’m glad it’s hurting.” Foolish pride and it failed me eventually.

Now, I do trust that the Lord’s got me. I’m going to be okay regardless of the outcome. This has all been for my eventual betterment and weeding out the fake and detrimental parts of my heart (like that pride). And now I’m bored of cancer again but in a different way. I’m ready for this to be done.

I was afraid of adding radiation to my treatment when it was suggested. Paraphrasing the doctor I spoke with: “It will hurt, the skin will be like rotten, and it’s going to stink.” I was afraid of how isolating that would be, but I’m okay now. I have an appointment tomorrow to set that in motion. I know I’ll get through it, and it’s what has to be done to be done with this and get my life back already. It’s time to speed this process up.
minxy · 46-50, F
Is this for breast cancer?
I'm surprised you were told it would be like rotten and stink.
I was told it would hurt like a really bad sunburn and it did, easy enough to remedy with some cooling lotion which will be needed anyway.

They made the radiation more intense over the sternum area, which scabbed over and hurt a little more but it never looked like it was rotting and it didn't stink.

I can totally relate to the boredom of the treatment.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@Colonelmustardseed Yes, she still feels a bit beat up and tired but she is getting better. Her hair is growing back. It looks a little funny now, but she is going back to normal. She has a bone scan next week to make sure everything is ok, but she feels fine.

The chemo made her tired but not nauseated. The drugs for that are pretty good now.
@JimboSaturn I hope the scan gives her good news and that she continues to improve. 🧡
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@Colonelmustardseed I think it will be fine. She had breast cancer that spread to a vertebrae. They have a special radiation technique called a gamma scalpel that can cure that not. Her back doesn't hurt anymore so I think it was successful.
Wiseacre · F
I wish you an excellent outcome...may u be well!
Wiseacre · F
Wiseacre · F
@Colonelmustardseed clean living is important...and healthy food, fresh air, exercise, and stress management
@Wiseacre I agree. That will help to not have cancer return.
Notanymore · 36-40, M
If thoughts and prayers mean things to you, you have mine.
@Notanymore They do. Thank you. 🙂
Notanymore · 36-40, M
@Colonelmustardseed your courage is inspiration.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
A life filled with pain brings perspective and wisdom. You're in the right hands with God.
@MartinTheFirst I agree. 🙂

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