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I think people that charge money for healing are full of crap.

The more I read about “shamanism” or what Native Americans called Medicine Men/Women, and through my own experience with energy work, it’s pretty obvious having these gifts and awarenesses is not meant to be profitable.

I feel this kind of translates into any medical profession.

But we don’t live in communities anymore. You can’t feed yourself healing people for free. You have to fit in, even though you were never meant to. Now these healers are sold out, got the garb, selling hemp cbd on the side. And a lot of docs are in it for the money.

Money. Money. Money.

I feel the exchange of money dampens the effect. Dulls its purpose.

I’m learning to heal myself. My son. Even my poor dog has a screw loose.

I do it for love.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
If you have time look up The Warriors of the Rainbow Prophecy. That pretty well tells the same thing and how things will change one day when the almighty dollar is no longer the motivator for helping one another. Love and Care will be the new “currency”. My father was cured of cancer by a Medicine Woman after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. He came back after two weeks, had some “pre-op” tests run and they found no evidence of cancer remaining in him. All it cost him was the fuel to drive out of state to get the treatment.
@cherokeepatti Awesome! I will definitely get ahold of that thank you!!!! Yay new info!

That’s incredible and beautiful. That woman had her full power because the real deal knows it’s worth, and it’s not monetary 🖤
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SW-User I have been reading about and using natural medicine since I was about 30 years old. It isn’t for everything but could help with a great deal of things that we visit a doctor for. My first reason was to get off the antibiotic merry-go-round that seemed to be weakening my immune system. I use colloidal silver for infections and it doesn’t take a lot of that and doesn’t create super germs either. There are hundreds of herbs that can assist in healing too. And even those used for cooking and spices can be very beneficial as well.
Magnolia21 · 22-25, F
I went to acupuncture a few times. Had a coupon. Ranged from nothing to sharp sting. The real relief was at the end, when the needles were removed. Honestly, it was the fact that all you could do was lie down on a soft mat and listen to soothing music that led to the "healing" effect.
I had some one do Reiki on me. Its not what they do its your own mind that does the work

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