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I don't feel so good...

My stomach hurts, I'm still coughing and I have a fever of 38⁰C while it hasn't been above 36.4 for at least 6 years.

Time for an early night if my stomach will let me, another COVID test tomorrow and maybe a call to my doctor if there isn't at least a small sign of improvement in the morning.
Graylight · 51-55, F
Oh, the people I know who've already had COVID twice, the flu and false tests everywhere...all without ever consulting a medical professional.

Good for you for getting tested. Did you also receive a flu shot? There's a very virulent and tenacious strain this year - just the gift for anti-vaxxers - but the people I talk to who also had the flu vaccine merely suffered an awful headache (some the ringing in the ears), a sore throat and coughing up prodigious amount of phlegm.

Whatever it is, hunker down, treat yourself gently, remind yourself nothing is as important and your health and wellbeing. Feel better soon.
@Graylight yes, I've had my flu shot thankfully. I don't want to know what I would have felt like without that.
The fever is down and my stomach is calm again. COVID test is still negative and symptoms are limited again to a sore throat, stuffy nose and coughing.
Miram · 31-35, F
Do call your doctor. Meanwhile these are some of the stuff you should do: Drink lot of water, keep taking whatever meds you're on unless recommended otherwise by your doctor, eat low fat foods for while, have your vits

Inhaling steam from boiling water and little mint oil by putting a towel over your head will help sooth your sinuses and clear your nose. Saline solution spray you can get from the pharmacy too. Hot baths help also as long as you're staying warm after.

Try ginger tea.

Some paracetamol, 1000mg is enough usually

And keep an eye on your oxygen levels , by getting an oximeter.

If you have difficulty breathing, short breaths and extreme fatigue after simple activity, get to the emergency.
Are you at least home again so that you can see the doctor who is most familiar with your medical history???
@HootyTheNightOwl yes, thank goodness I don't have to be around my dad feeling this way.
@NerdyPotato That's another good thing - but I was thinking more of you potentially having to go over your entire medical history all over again... which is nasty at the best of times.

Try eating or drinking something with ice for the fever, that might help.
You take care of yourself Potato 😔 🤗
Hope you feel better soon 🤗
silliness78 · 46-50
Hope you feel better
Lilnonames · F
Yup many sick over here too

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