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anyone else had the covid vaccinations and now feel worried

i have been jabbed 3 times now against covid, they keep sending me reminders for the 4th booster...but i have a little regrets and are worried because of the scare stories out there regarding the vaccinations...that they have killed people and cause health issues.

i just want to know that i'm not alone here...anyone else been vaxxed and are now worried or are you not worried?
twiigss · M Best Comment
You're not alone. I had 2 shots. I'm not worried.
Our government was going to force employers with over 100 employees to have to get vaccinated. Now that's no longer a thing, but I felt pressured, and my brother already got vaccinated.

I went and talked to my doctor about what she thought about getting the shot, followed her advice and got vaccinated.

So the only thing is now, according to what people are saying, I should be dead in 2 years.

However.... there are those people out there who hope people who got vaccinated do die, just so they can say, see, that person died from the vaccination OMG, but of course nothing will actually change from a person dying of the vaccine, so not sure sure why people wish that on others.

And they won't come out and say it, even though they're thinking it.
Jungleman · M
@twiigss thanks for your points of view once more.
twiigss · M
@Jungleman you're welcome 🙂

I've had four jabs, no side effects. I'm not worried. I trust science more than random people on the internet. I've also had COVID according to a routine lateral flow test although I never felt ill.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@SW-User Never got jabbed. Refused after the jab killed my brother in law. Had covid. A very very mild cold. Never missed a day's work. Since the death of my brother in law 3 other people died from the jab and 2 others were minutes away from death again caused by the jab. Glad you have not had a problem yet.
walabby · 70-79, M
Not worried. I've had four shots with no side effects. Most of my extended family have had Covid, but not me. The shots must be working...
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Worrying isn't going to help you so it is a bit of a waste in mental energy. Hopefully the vax will not harm you and I certainly don't wish you any harm. Sadly the vax does not have a good safety record. I'll be praying you have a long and healthy life.
Mardrae · F
I have had Covid-19 twice and have been vaccinated 4 times. No problems until the 4th vaccine in April, then all Hell broke loose. I developed a horrible itching rash which was diagnosed as Lichen Planus. That’s a chronic skin disease that can pop up anytime for the rest of my life. Then it turned into skin cancer- had to have surgery and 12 stitches for that. All caused by the vaccine. I also developed Mast Cell Activation syndrome. Now I honestly don’t know if I got that from the vaccine or from covid, but it became very bad after my last vaccine. No more vaccines for me!!! I’ll wear a mask the rest of my life and avoid people, but no more vaccines!
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Mardrae So a vehicle accident means no more cars?
Graylight · 51-55, F
Not worried a bit, and I’ve had 4. I will say I just drove Florida to California and back and managed to stay illness free using safe precautions.

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