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Graylight · 51-55, F
Physicians often schedule four patients every 15 minutes. That's 16 patients an hour over, say, and eight hour day. Allowing for an average after factoring in cancellations and last-minute appointments, that's 128 patients a day for a single physician. 128 sets of symptoms, questions, histories, diagnoses and treatment plans. Plus notes.
It's really not humanly possible the way it's set up, so the GP or PCP has become little more than a supplier of antibiotics and a referral service to more, better-specialized doctors. It's just casting a wide net over all possible clients. Don't' knock the PCP - they're physicians, same as anyone else and a little special because they have to know so much about all systems - they simply work with their hands tied these days.
It's really not humanly possible the way it's set up, so the GP or PCP has become little more than a supplier of antibiotics and a referral service to more, better-specialized doctors. It's just casting a wide net over all possible clients. Don't' knock the PCP - they're physicians, same as anyone else and a little special because they have to know so much about all systems - they simply work with their hands tied these days.
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SomeMichGuy · M
@Graylight That might be what Kaiser-Permanente tried to do, but I have not seen this with private practice physicians or most others.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@SomeMichGuy I've personally witnessed it in several.
SomeMichGuy · M
@Graylight I saw Kaiser try to do this. I didn't let it happen.
Elessar · 26-30, M
The GP I had before this one was actually better than many specialist
Magenta · F
Just sometimes? I've always felt this way and I will be no-ones Guinea pig.
Someone's lining the pockets and it's not the general public.
Someone's lining the pockets and it's not the general public.
PiecingBabyFaceTogether · 31-35, M
Yess!! They usually don't really have a solution for a particular problem just general solutions and you try them at your own risk.
yup,its worse after covid ,as if any other health issue is not of impirtance anynore including emergencies
SomeMichGuy · M
A poor GP/Family Doctor *can* be that way, yes.
You need an Internist. They are diagnosticians first & foremost.
You need an Internist. They are diagnosticians first & foremost.
All the time.
I no longer trust doctors - they're my go to for only acute things.
All the time.
I no longer trust doctors - they're my go to for only acute things.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Its the system of modern healthcare today. Modern physicians aren't taught the way the the old guys were taught. They rely almost purely on diagnostics. Add into the mix that insurance has messed everything up and the Dr. spends way less time listening to the patient than they used to. Its a mess.
bijouxbroussard · F
It often depends on the doctor.
Carla · 61-69, F
@bijouxbroussard it's this.
They have not chosen an area of expertise, hence the name GP, it's ok when you have a sore throat and otherwise they need to refer you to the right person
Lilnonames · F
U are a Guinea piig and they guess is all it is
eMortal · M
@Lilnonames irritating!!
Lilnonames · F
@eMortal and depressed people have it wirse as they got to guess what meds to give u and how much