My journey continues
This Covid pandemic has been difficult for the entire nation and for me it has actually been life-changing in a positive way. Since this work from home policy first started I have been able to stay on this path and continue to work from home for nearly 2 years which is truly allowed me to further discover who I am and what I can become. My lactation is now stronger than ever and i gave to pump a minimum every three hours on a 24 hour time schedule which has allowed me unbelievable growth that I would've never been able to achieve if I was still working at an office. I don't know how long I'll be able to keep this up but I am thoroughly enjoying this experience now and plan on continuing for the foreseeable future. I have gained such a high level of excitement attention and size and experiences I would've never dreamed of. Working from home and focusing nearly 100% of my time on my body has been the most rewarding experience in the past two years. I have received a lot of negative comments and grief from my parents and aunts and uncles and but my cousins and sisters have been very supportive. I am currently measuring for 144 inches and love every inch of my body. It isn't with how challenges though because it is extremely difficult to perform daily functions like bathing and dressing and sleeping is challenging as well but even with all of those challenges I am reminded of the joy this Bonnie brings me