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The wonders of being a parent

Kids have had the stomach flu for almost a week, now when they're ok, I'm sick 🤢

Taking care of 2 kids puking everywhere, and now taking care of 2 kids while yourself is puking everywhere 🙃

Cold , shivering, puking and a 18 month old that won't let go of you 👍

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oh god .. i cant imagine how i'd handle all that ..
I hope you can find the strength though, now that you are sick, get well soon!
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Who said parenthood was easy!!!
Sounds awful! I hope you'll all be feeling better soon. ❤❤
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
I remember those days. Glad my kids are all grown, the grandkids come over and my wife goes overboard with them, wants me to quit whatever I am doing and help when they are sick or being a pain in the ass. I am like "Hell no.", I raised my kids, they need to take care of their own kids when they are sick or being brats.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I am sorry. When my youngest was 18 months old and my oldest was 7 we all had the stomach flu. Everyone was throwing up. My husband put our youngest in my bed and he puked all over me and then it puked and in that moment I regretted having kids 🤣.

I hope you feel better soon.

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