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26-30, F
saved by Jesus: my soul, my life, and my mind
About Me
About Me
Hi all!! I came to similar worlds to be able to help as many as possible by listening as well as sharing some of my own stories. Here is a little about me:

I am single but not looking. I believe God will lead me to the right person in his time.

Views and beliefs
I am:
-A saved by Christ Christian
-an apolstolic
-pro life
-,pro spank(non sexual, child discipline)
-against animal, elder or child abuse
-tolerant of alot… and love everyone. Jesus loved me first so I am to love now.

Home life:
Hobbies: writing, playing mobile games, listening to ac central app sermons
Kids: not yet
Pets: one hyper jack russell terrier
Work: disabled, I'm going blind
Music: contemporary Christian
Favorite chores: dishes or reorganizing

Biologically, I have 1 brother and 1 sister. I'm squished in the middle. Though later on got one more of each that im still in contact with.

Do you have any questions about me? Just ask ☺