My ex girl friend cut mine and it was thick, very very thick wavy and almost to my hips. She took her time cutting it shorter and then cut the hair about 2 inches off the back of my collar and then brought out the hair buzzer she had cut the back hair to a number 4 which is half an inch cut the sides very short and left my top two inches long with short layers. It took a while to get used to but I loved it when she was cutting it off. It was very exciting to watch the cut hair fall off my shoulder as she kept cutting she also thinned it out with a razor comb and thinning shears. I was in a quiet room and the scissors sounded so loud as they closed on my hair. She had pilled all of my cut hair on my lap. It looked like she had shaved 5 heads of hair when she had finished cutting my hair, lol. she had first scissored off all the length nice and slow all I heard was the scissors constantly crunching and down came my hair, she made sure to trow it on my lap and all over the front of the cape. Then a pop and a buzzing noise she had push my head down and shaved the nape high up. it was alot of maintenance after the first haircut, It had to be cut/ buzzed every 4 to 6 weeks to keep it's shape. The I just let it grow out, it took forever now it is very long again. I am thinking of having it cut again in the same manner. I think you should experience it also if you live near me I am sure she would cut both of us if I asked her to.