There’s an old but interesting book “Black Like Me” written by a reporter who, literally, turned black to research life as such in the south in a low income area. I recall a one thing he heard: if you’re blacked go back; if you’re brown stick around; if you’re white you’re right. It’s telling, and while things have improved, I’m sure it’s still a significant issue. The tragedy continues.
@DownTheStreet Sadly, it’s less likely to become so now that so many school districts have cut back on anything touching upon black history or the civil rights era.
The U.S. has had its share of similar signs. I wonder if they’ll be coming back…I remember seeing them the summer we drove down South to visit relatives and I was learning to read.
Pop would stop by grocery stories and buy food, because he refused to give money to restaurants that would only serve blacks take-out passed through a back window.