Only down below. I like it to resemble a porcupine.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@OlderSometimesWiser You know…Porcupine is one of the few meats you can eat without cooking if you were trying to survive in the bush
Is there no end
LemonWorld · F
@deadgerbil she has a pixie

I have female anatomy (still) and is known to shave my head every now and then.
I'm only sharing this because I'm hoping it'll make someone attracted to me in one way or other, regardless of mutual attraction. And yes, I'm being completely honest here.
I'm only sharing this because I'm hoping it'll make someone attracted to me in one way or other, regardless of mutual attraction. And yes, I'm being completely honest here.
elixirhtc · 36-40, M
Yes, I think so there might be many ladies who like the short hair style