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Very odd... SW thinks I need a more meaningful title.

It's an early Saturday morning, late Friday night here. It is election time here. I look out my window, I see a sign that appears floating in air, of course I look further, there is now an election sign for the liberal candidate 20' up in air on a tree branch? (I'd love to know the meaningful title for this one)
Election results up in the air?
Liberals flying high?
Tree declares political intentions?
Lostpoet · M
The view from out my window 🪟?
@Lostpoet How about.... 'flattened cardinal whose political point of view fell on inept ears?'
Lostpoet · M
@SW-User 🤔that works too
@Lostpoet Yes, and really it is about how a political sign shows up twenty feet up... 🐬

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