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I think it's hilarious when ugly people on SW call me ugly

Guess what you ass kissing pudding faced bore?? Your opinion of my appearance means nothing to me. But as long as you feel the need to explain to me how repulsive I am, allow me to do the same for you.
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Cindy · F
"Pudding faced bore"? Hahahaha
im not amused. i block them . its very rude of them. not gentlemanly at all.
IDontWant2BeLoved · 26-30, F
You are fiesty
Sicarium · 46-50, M
If their opinion on your appearance means nothing to you, why are you posting about it?
CanarysCry · 51-55, F
@Sicarium: I was returning the favor. Lol.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
@CanarysCry: Then it clearly means something to you, enough to return the favor.
CanarysCry · 51-55, F
I suppose you are correct. I don't know why I let an ass kissing pudding faced bore get under my skin. I suppose because I felt attacked for no reason.
I think you've got really interesting features.
Rutterman · 46-50, M
Those people are the ugly ones, no matter what they look like. Shame on them. By the way, I looked at your pics. I think you're attractive.
Your not ugly so idk wtf people are talking about
CanarysCry · 51-55, F
@Bleach1443: Thank you. That is sweet of you.
@CanarysCry: No need if you ever wanna talk PM me :)
Socialclutz · 36-40, M
Yes you're quite ugly and this is ma' sexiness!

Socialclutz · 36-40, M
O.O are you planning to rock the cradle? 😏
CanarysCry · 51-55, F
Lmao!! Thank you. I needed that.
Socialclutz · 36-40, M
dumpstermeow · 41-45, F
Anyone who judges based on appearance is ugly on the inside... don't give a fuck about them, lady
Sadie14 · F
People are dicks. Beauty is subjective anyway so their opinion literally means nothing.
chrisCA · M
Some people here are dicks.
Those idiots have no shame
CanarysCry · 51-55, F
@cowboysoul: This particular person later apologized. He said he was having a bad day and hadn't read my post fully. He didn't exactly apologize for calling me ugly. Just that he jumped to conclusions. I let it go. But it did sting.

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