That's the word around town, I only read a few of her stories/questions.. I didn't have a problem with her, but; I haven't been here as long as others. I so stay on the sidelines and eat popcorn ;)
id put my last twenty dollar bill that ya'll are the same person.
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okay, Dana
Monroe · 41-45, F
@YourMomsSWcrush: It's def dana. She made people think she deleted her account, but changed the name to sylviastarr last night. She probably can't change it back until august.
@Monroe: that was one of the worst trolling efforts ever. She needs an intro level trolling course. LOL
MasterLee · 56-60, M
It's juicy
I'm still trying to decide if you're one, to be honest. but yes some seem to believe she's you.
I've got Dana blocked so i have no idea, she's quite annoying though. you seem to have a better grasp of the english language than she does though.
I've got Dana blocked so i have no idea, she's quite annoying though. you seem to have a better grasp of the english language than she does though.
@MissNiceGirl: it's interesting that you answered all but that part where i said i was trying to decide whether you were a troll... any reason for that, or simple oversight?
just type in "BigDana" she should come up
just type in "BigDana" she should come up
MissNiceGirl · 31-35, F
@DancingStarGoddess: thanks. Maybe I should just leave.
@MissNiceGirl: hmmm, up to you *shrug*
interesting though.
interesting though.