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I got Blocked...

One moment we're having a normal conversation, getting along quite well, the next I'm blocked lol... Oh well... might be a bit shaken, but never stirred 🍸
Who would have the nerve to do that??? How dare they? ;)
@ShakenNotStirred: are da man! So I just don't know about deez people! :P
ShakenNotStirred · 41-45, M
@DixieChick: 😂 you make me feel so 😎
@ShakenNotStirred: 😂😁🙌😆
Niburu · 51-55, M
get used to, happens to me at least once a week
I mostly get it when someones argument starts to fall apart
ShakenNotStirred · 41-45, M
Lol in this case there was not even any argument. We were getting along perfectly well lol.
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limefairy · 46-50, F
Talk to someone else. Crazy people live here🍸
That's cool. I get blocked for no reason. Lol
It happens lol...
ShakenNotStirred · 41-45, M
Lol fascinating isn't it? 😂
Lol that's strange.
ShakenNotStirred · 41-45, M
Lol yeah it is.
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