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Why do leftists who are getting crushed in a debate always accuse the one with the upper hand of being an "alt" account? As if that changes facts. 😂

Another diversion tactic when they are digging their hole deeper and deeper. 🤣
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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
The only reason for the alt question to arise, is if there is three or more usernames debating.

Ganging up on one person is not kosher.

It's like entering a gun duel with two people firing at you. The third person will likely lose to one or the other.

This is not a ideological issue.
Rather a common sense issue.

Please don't say this is not facing reality. It rarely ever happens to be more than one on one even in reality.

Two young lions never gang up on the pride leader. It's usually only the two strongest lions.

Anything else is a dirty trick.
@DeWayfarer Whose alt are YOU?
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Patriot96 never needed to. Why would you put yourself in such a situation. Please don't say military. I have been in that situation. Not the same situation.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@RoguishEyes look at my about me some time. I have links that go back to 1998. This username is my ID now. Can't even change those links since Google has archived it.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
No idea -- I've never seen a "leftist" being crushed in a debate here.
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
I have exactly the same problem with those from the right/extreme right !
Heck… some of em have alts lol and I’m as far right as one can go! But I call em like I see em! 🤓
what hole is that?
@RoguishEyes you cant dig a grave deeper and deeper though. its dug you your dead.... so.. it must not be the grave.
@nonsensiclesnail The grave.
@RoguishEyes 🙄... pretend thats liz lemon, because she, as a character, is amusing.
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krf336 · M
Because they cant handle reality so its the only tactic they have.
Thats why they lose their minds and go nuclear when anything challenges their belief bubble
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Projection. That's what they do, spy on you with an alt account.
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