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Frustrating feed

What should my settings be at to get the best feed. Im getting the same ones…same people…and the times can be one hour to two weeks.

I can’t be the only one can I?
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OlderSometimesWiser · F Best Comment
Your settings should be at “begging,” “pleading” and “eff this.” Would do about as much good as our current choices.

@LunarOrbit Thanks for BC! 🙂
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@OlderSometimesWiser My pleasure. Sometimes the humour just strikes at the right time to make the biggest impact. So thank you!

the best luck I have had trying to broaden the audience of who I see here is to go to the recent posts and interact with people i've enver seen before. it opens up the feed a bit.
Magenta · F
Think it's the same for us all. It almost seems as if it's gotten worse lately.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@Magenta Yes. Exactly. Maybe just less users and algorithms recycle old content…kinda like leftovers. Lol
Oh, didnt you know ? - this is the joy we are supoosed to love from having an algorithm applied that customises our feed to supposedly suit us each individually.

I dont know who or howmany asked for this over the years, but now we are stuck with it

None of us see the complete feed anymore 🫤
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@LunarOrbit in truth, i think it also has something to do with admin trying to reduce agression as well.

But i feel their algorithm was too limitingly constructed and has overshot their expectations.
That, and the fact that its so intertwined with other changes, (forums), and the Google search engine - that to try and tweak itight cause catastrophic useabilty .

But thats all ive gleaned - im no techy. This is just what ive picked up scraps of from conversations and what admin put out.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
You're not. I've played with the settings non stop since I've been here. No affect. It's an exercise in futility.
Nimbus · M
I think Admin designed it in such a way to keep us amused for hours.
Much like a toy mouse to a cat.
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Nimbus · M
@Gibbon Could be 👍
It won't change, it's all regulated through the algorithms, even the new posts are based on algorithms and not just showing every new post added in chronological order. Lol
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@SUPERVlXEN I wish there was a choice to use chronological order. But I’m sure the admin has denied us that hope
It's not that it hasn't been suggested to them. I've noticed lately they tell us we have it under the 'new' posts, tho it doesn't show it all. They're not interested in giving us such option, no matter how much their users requests it. It's a dead cause.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@SUPERVlXEN Yes. I agree. It has fallen on deaf ears. 😔
Nope. I've tried everything. It doesn't work.
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LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@Casheyane Great idea!
Sylphrena · 31-35
Yeah it's really bad. Idk what to do about it.
Also - as far as i understand, (and thaf might not be much), but if you want to see more, you have to:
- join more groups
- make more friends
- make more comments

(Which is an irony because its forcing you to go beyond your own discerment of self, JUST to see more.
YET we are denied our discernment to select what we like from the full feed.

Its kinda hypocritical 🙄
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@OogieBoogie Thank you. I do need to join more groups. Im not one to go looking for friends. And I somewhat comment on posts. Most time I just peruse (the same old shit) lately
@LunarOrbit i see it as working against the idea of being 'similar'.
If you have hundreds of groups just to see more posts - how does anyone get a 'sense' of you when they visit your profile? Too many groups just smudges us out to being generic.

And we dont NEED to be similar to bond with people. In fact its been proven we HATE to see ourselves in others.

I think its also stupid to make us 'make more friends' when/if we don't want to. ranting .
I just miss the old SW feed.
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Virgo79 · 61-69, M
I don't think theres much of an option, sw has limited who sees what
You can change your feed settings or go to a different feed there are like three?
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@SStarfish Yes. I think I tried every possible combination
Don't worry.... It can't be fixed

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