tonialta · F
Yes happens all the time for seemingly no reason
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Michelle2be · 26-30
@tonialta one even blocked me after i said i didnt have a job... gave you a message also, hope ok
Zoexx · 18-21, F
Has happened to me and did upset me. Im not completely over it tbh. Will take some getting used to
Those blocks do come out of the blue sometimes but really, not worth getting upset over. Just the cost of doing business, so to speak.
@Michelle2be Try not to let it because that will just lessen your enjoyment of the site. People with all kinds of triggers, baggage and mental challenges, which have nothing to do with you.
Michelle2be · 26-30
@OlderSometimesWiser im autistic so get emotional easily
Shadyglow · F
@OlderSometimesWiser its that kind of a site. mindlessness rules..unfortunately
mindlessness goes hand in hand with powerlessness
and powerless people ABUSE others. Not hard to understand but terrible to live with...
mindlessness goes hand in hand with powerlessness
and powerless people ABUSE others. Not hard to understand but terrible to live with...
Stephie · 22-25, F
Unfortunately, not everyone is kind or nice as they seem at first.
Stephie · 22-25, F
@Michelle2be There are plenty of other nice people here.
Michelle2be · 26-30
@Stephie so grateful for you
@Michelle2be Don't let it get to you. You are a good person and friends with some people I know and like.
angie8819 · 56-60, F
Seems to be happening a lot
If people don't want to chat they should just say so
If people don't want to chat they should just say so
Michelle2be · 26-30
@angie8819 exactly
angie8819 · 56-60, F
@Michelle2be I commented on a post yesterday then when I tried to look at some replies it said it was a private post and I'm not allowed to view it

View it like coming on sw is like visiting a cafe, you might have a really good conversation with someone then they leave and you never see them again. Not worth getting upset over, just appreciate you had a nice conversation, it was nice to meet them, and now they’ve gone on their way
Michelle2be · 26-30
@SW-User thats a really nice analogy thank you
DarkXtecy · 41-45, M
Is this you first time on social media?
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WillaKissing · 56-60, M
It happens, and I have no answers for as to the why of their actions.
So Sorry.
So Sorry.
Michelle2be · 26-30
@WillaKissing sorry didnt see this
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@Michelle2be It is quite alright Luv. I have missed replies and went back later and replied. We are good and no need to apologize.
Michelle2be · 26-30
@WillaKissing thanks
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
It does happen often in mid conversation
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Jlhzfromep · M
I got blocked once in a similar way except she kept chatting with me in post so I never really figured that one out… just smile and enjoy other experiences and leave that one behind
MasterLee · 56-60, M
I just look at it as a gift with great future returns
rfatoday · 61-69, M
I'd not fret over it. It's their loss. I've had a similar experience or the person ends up never responding back again. Even if I've been polite and all that good stuff. Heck, I've been blocked for saying hello, LOL. I try to never take anything personally. Life's too short and there are many good people here and in the real world.
Sometimes I think people block others because they are not comfortable with confrontation or disagreement. It's easy to block when your a keyboard warrior in an anonymous environment. :)
Sometimes I think people block others because they are not comfortable with confrontation or disagreement. It's easy to block when your a keyboard warrior in an anonymous environment. :)
Ditto · M
No le mostraste la trama :I
Oh no. Who blocked you? 😢
Why would anyone block you? You're really sweet. Some people on this site are just weird.
Why would anyone block you? You're really sweet. Some people on this site are just weird.
Michelle2be · 26-30
@Bel6EQUJ5 someone i thought was a nice person... 😞
@Michelle2be 🫂🫂🫂♥️😘
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
It happens. I have never blocked anyone
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
I usually block those who ask me for money
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I hate those mystery blocks.
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Michelle2be · 26-30
@Musicman stop assuming its men..,